Creating Rates


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Create a Rate in SAP Fieldglass..


Rate constitutes the amount or percentage assigned to a particular rate category. It acts as the basis for all other associations that drive cost calculations in SAP Fieldglass.

When the rate structure is associated to a job posting template, the rates themselves can appear on the job posting. How the rates display is again dependent upon the rate type. The actual rates that appear are based on a number of factors, such as the position the job posting is for, the site, and even the supplier.

Screenshot of the Accounting section of a job posting listing the associated rates.

Navigating the Rate Admin Object

screenshot of the Rate Structure section of the Admin Menu, the Rate link is highlighted
1To view the list of rates that the tenant uses, select Rate from the Company Structure section of the admin menu.

Rate List Page

A separate rate must be created for all of an organization’s potential position, supplier, site, and category combinations. Because of this, the list of rates can become quite large. For this reason, the rate list page doesn’t list all of the rates available at one time. Rather, it allows you to sort by currency and unit of measure.

screenshot of Rate List page, with the Rate Category column, the Rate Type column, the Min and Max columns, and the Application Programmer – ALL – CHI - ST link in the Code column highlighted
2Rate Category indicates the basis of the rate, whether standard time, overtime, double time, or a custom category.
3Rate Type indicates if the rate is bill rate based, pay rate based, a factor, a rate, or any of the other types of rates. As indicated here, the ST rates are based on a standard rate, while the OT rates are based on a factor.
4Min and Max displays the amount range for the rate, if a range was entered. 0.00 indicates that either no range was entered, or a calculation—such as a percentage—is used to define the rate.

Unlike codes for other admin objects, the best practice for a rate code is a system to identify the factors of the rate itself. For instance, Application Programmer - ALL - CHI - OT identifies it as a rate for Application Programmers from ALL suppliers for CHIcago at the OverTime rate.

To view the details of that rate, you would select that link in the Code column.

screenshot emphasizing the Currency and UOM field dropdown menus of the Rate List page
6Selecting the Currency field allows you to sort the rates by currency. The dropdown list populates based on the currencies activated in the tenant.
7Selecting the UOM field allows you to sort the rates by units of measure, such a hours, days, or units. If a listed unit of measure is not identified by a rate, nothing will display if that unit of measure is selected from the field.

Rate Details Page

The information presented on a rate details page generally aligns with the information presented in the rate list. However, additional information can be displayed depending upon the rate type used as the basis of the rate.

For instance, if this rate were a factor rate type, the rate range would be replaced by information about the factor.

screenshot of Application Programmer – ALL – CHI - OT Rate Details page. With the Automatically recalculate the factor rate row, the Allow Supplier to edit Rate Factor row, the Factor row, and the Base Rate Category row highlighted
8If Automatically recalculate the factor rate… is enabled on a factor rate, factored rates will recalculate automatically if a user changes the base bill rate when creating a work order. Otherwise, the user will need to select the Recalculate Rates link on the work order to manually recalculate.
9If Allow Supplier to edit Rate Factor is enabled, the supplier can edit the factor value of the factor rate (can increase or decrease the factor value presented by buyer at JP) when submitting a job seeker.
10The Factor value is the percentage over the ST rate that the OT rate will be.
11Base Rate Category indicates the rate category that will be used as the basis of the new factored rate.

Create a Rate

WorkingNet is creating a new Customer Support position for their London Office. It will need a new rate structure in SAP Fieldglass in order to accommodate the regional characteristics of a UK-based workforce.

As the SAP Fieldglass administrator for WorkingNet, you’re tasked with creating that rate structure.

This new position requires 24/7 coverage, so you’ve created 2 new rate categories—"CS Night" for the night shift and "CS Morning" for the morning shift—to accommodate premiums paid for those shifts.

With those established, you’ll have to create the rates for all of WorkingNet’s relevant supplier, site, and category combinations for the new customer support role. You’ll start by creating the base rate for the position.

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