Defining Custom Lookups


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Create a Custom Lookup in SAP Fieldglass..

Custom Lookup

Custom Lookups allow you to upload tables that can be used to drive custom logic for various areas within the SAP Fieldglass application. The different ways in which custom lookup tables can be leveraged in the application include rate changes, complex distribution lists, SOW Fees, and personally identifiable information, among others.

Navigating the Custom Lookup Admin Object

screenshot of Configuration section of the Admin Menu, the Custom Lookup link is highlighted
1To view a list of Custom Lookups associated to the tenant, select Custom Lookup from the configuration section of the admin menu.

Custom Lookup List Page

screenshot of Custom Lookup List page, with the Type column, Number of Segments column, and theTenure Warning & Notifications link in the Name column highlighted

There are currently about 15 different custom lookup types that organizations can leverage to drive behavior in their SAP Fieldglass solution.

2Type indicates which of the 15 custom lookups is being used. Values in this field are dependent on your company configurations. For some types, only one lookup is allowed per company.
3Number of Segments indicates the number of attributes required for the lookup. This number corresponds to the number of headers that can be defined.
4To view the details of a custom lookup, select an appropriate link in the Name column.

Custom Lookup Details Page

screenshot of Tenure Warning & Notifications Custom Lookup Details page, highlighting the Delimiter row in the Details section, the Header Type and Lookup Headers columns in the values list, and the Edit Pick List link

Custom lookups are quite flexible. The details and headers available in a custom lookup are dependent upon the type of lookup selected. The Keys and Values listed here are defaulted based on the Lookup Type. Different lookup types will present different keys and headers.

5The character used in the upload file to separate the values in each column is called a Delimiter. A delimiter can be changed to whatever an organization prefers to indicate data separation.
6The data listed in Header Type is read in the order presented in the numbered column. The keys and values used vary based on the lookup type. Keys are used to associate a value to the main object. For example, a Policy Name (Key) associates an Alert Threshold (Value) to an assignment tenure.
7When a system field is selected, the Lookup Headers field automatically populates. When a custom field is selected, a value must be entered. The headers entered display as the column headers on a rate change matrix.
8The Edit Pick List section displays the pick list items entered for this custom lookup.

Create a Custom Lookup

WorkingNet requires an additional custom lookup element so that a tenure policy can be set for Australia. The policy is 75 days in duration and has a 60 day gap in assignments before tenure count can be reset.

As the SAP Fieldglass administrator for WorkingNet, you will need to create that new custom lookup.

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