Exploring Report Folders


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Navigate a Report Folder admin object..

Report Folders

Report Folders are used to group similar reports. Access to folders is based upon User Roles and is granted through the User Role admin object in the User section of the Admin menu.

Reports are viewed, run, and created through the Analytics menu on the SAP Fieldglass home page.

Navigating the Report Folder Admin Object

screenshot of Report section of the Admin Menu, the Report Folders link is highlighted
1To view a list of folders associated to WorkingNet’s tenant, select Report Folder from the Report section of the admin menu.

Report Folder List Page

screenshot of Report Folder List page highlighting the User Roles column and the Status link in the Name column

SAP Fieldglass includes a number of standard folders to hold reports for such things as Services, Spend, and Workers. Additional Folders can be added based on an organization’s need.


The numbers in the User Roles column indicate the number of User Roles associated to the report folder.

They are selectable and will take you directly to the list of the roles that have visibility into the reports within the selected report folder.

3Select the hyperlink in the Name column to view the details of that report folder.

Reports Folder Details Page

screenshot of Status Folder Details page highlighting the User Roles tile and the Reports tiles in the associations tree

The details page displays two tiles:

4The User Roles tile will open the same list of the roles as the number links in the User Roles column of the list page.
5The Reports tile will open the list of reports that are grouped within the folder.

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