Exploring the Fee Library


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Navigate a Fee Library admin object and explain what it represents in SAP Fieldglass..

Fee Library

The Fee Library allows Administrators to create and maintain a collection of commonly used fees for use within the SOW modules.

Fees may be created for items that require structured payments to be made on a regular or recurring basis.

Fees from an associated Fee Library can be selected from the Fee Definitions tab in the Characteristics section of an SOW.

screenshot of the characteristics page on a statement of work showing the Cable Bundling and Fiber Routing fees listed on the Fees tab

Navigating the Fee Library Admin Object

screenshot of Services section of the Admin Menu, the Fee Library link is highlighted
1To view the list of Fees in the tenant, select Fee Library from the Services section of the admin menu.

Fee Library List Page

screenshot of Fee Library List page, with the Fee Rate Type column and the Fiber Routing link in the Code column highlighted

Fees must be defined in the Fee Library before they can be added to SOW templates. They can be added when creating an SOW from a template, and they can be copied from the library.


All Fees must be defined as a particular Fee Rate Type:

  • For Defined on Fees the fee value will be entered for this particular fee, and it will be assigned as a Fee Characteristic.
  • For Defined on Lookup, the fee value will be determined based on the configured and assigned Custom Lookup, and it will be assigned as a Fee Characteristic.
  • For Defined on Fees – Fee with SOW Workers the Fee value will be entered for this particular fee, and it will be assigned to SOW Workers.
  • For Defined on Lookup – Fee with SOW Workers the Fee value will be determined based on the configured and assigned Custom Lookup, and it will be assigned to SOW Workers.
3To view the details of a Fee, select an appropriate link in the Code column.

Fee Library Details Page

screenshot of Fiber Routing Fee Details page highlighting the Fee Availability on SOW row, the Enable Effective Fee Period row, and the Product row highlighted

In addition to the information contained on the list page, the Fee Library Details Page shows the configuration details of the selected fee.

4Fee Availability on SOW establishes whether a supplier can add the fee to an SOW. It can be enabled for all suppliers or associated to specific supplier.
5If Enable Effective Fee Period is enabled, effective dates for the fee can be established. This fee would only be available for selection on the SOWs that are within the dates established on the fee. This field only displays when the fee rate type is Defined on Fees or Defined on Fees - Fee with SOW Workers.
6Product indicates whether this fee applies to a product.

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