Exploring the SOW Worker Role


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Navigate an SOW Worker Role admin object and explain what it represents in SAP Fieldglass..

SOW Worker Role

Depending on the nature and volume of the service being provided from supplier to buyer, the buyer will need to engage workers to actually carry out the tasks and activities related to the service deliverables. But the buyer does not assign individual workers to the SOW. Instead, the buyer assigns SOW Worker Roles, and the supplier then assigns the workers to those roles. SOW Worker Roles allow SOW creators to specify certain types of workers that are required for a project.

For instance, Mavis, the Director of Network Engineering for WorkingNet, determined that a Project Lead Manager and several Network Engineers and Associate Network Engineers would be required to deliver services for WorkingNet’s headquarters expansion. She added those roles to the SOW, then reCrewIT, the supplier, assigned appropriate workers to those roles.

Roles are used for reporting purposes and help ensure the worker’s rate is accurate. Administrators can create and maintain a list of for use on statements of work.

screenshot of SOW Worker Roles added to an SOW, emphasizing the information for the added Network Engineer and Project Manager roles

Navigating the SOW Worker Role Admin Object

screenshot of Services section of the Admin Menu, the Schedule Library link is highlighted
1To view the list of SOW Worker Roles in the tenant, select SOW Worker Role from the Services section of the admin menu.

SOW Worker Role List Page

screenshot of SOW Worker Role List page, the Equipment column, the Rate Grid column, the Job Code column, and the Network Engineer link in the Code column are highlighted

Workers can only be assigned to roles that are associated with the SOW, and roles can be limited by the supplier selected.

2Equipment can be tracked in the same way as workers—by using SOW Worker Roles. When an SOW worker role is flagged as equipment, the associated equipment worker records are managed similarly to human worker records.
3If enabled on the company configuration, a Rate Grid can be associated to the worker role. If this is used, the workers' rates are derived from the grid.
4Associating a Job Code can help with finding users or workers with similar qualifications who are working or have worked at the company. This is an optional setting.
5To view the details of an SOW Worker Role, select an appropriate link in the Code column.

SOW Worker Role Details Page

screenshot of Network Engineer SOW Worker Role Details page highlighting the Use Fees for Billing and Associate to all Suppliers rows in the Details section

An SOW Worker Role record displays the same information available on the list page, with a few additional details.

6If Use Fees for Billing is selected, this role can only be used for crew work. Workers with the role will be able to submit expense sheets but not time sheets, and their spend will be tracked using fees.
7Associate to all Suppliers who service SOW indicates if the worker role is associated to all of the suppliers who service an associated SOW. If this is not selected, buyers will have to manually associate the role to individual suppliers.

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