Managing a Site


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Create a Site in SAP Fieldglass..


Site defines regions or geographic areas where an organization has offices and/or does business.

The geographical area a site represents can be as specific or as general as an organization requires, though they are usually configured to represent a broad geographic area, such as a city. Thus, a site allows an associated job posting to automatically reflect local conditions, such as calendars, rates, suppliers, and tax structures, among others.

image showing the relationship of Business Units, Cost Centers, and Sites to the WorkingNet tenant, illustrating several sites such as Chicago, London, Dubai, Atlanta, Frankfurt, Paris, and Vancouver

Sites must be selected in certain transactions, such as job postings, in order to ensure that the procured workers are assigned to the correct office or work site.

screenshot of the Site field dropdown menu on a job posting showing the sites available to that job posting

Navigating the Site Admin Object

screenshot of the Company Structure section of the Admin Menu, the Site link is highlighted
1To view the list of sites associated to a tenant, select Site from the Company Structure section of the admin menu.

Site List page

The Site List page displays a selectable site code as well as the site name, which typically is a city and state. The format of the site codes are determined by the individual organizations according to their preferences.

screenshot of Site List page, the View Type field and the link to the LON details page listed in the Code column are highlighted
2The Site List page offers an alternative view to allow users to see the sites in an expandable tree format. Select Tree to see the site list in tree format.
3To view the details of a site, select an appropriate link in the Code column.

Site Details page

In addition to the standard details table and associations tree, a site’s details page also displays Configuration information.

screenshot of London Details page highlighting the associations tree and the Site Configuration section

There are many items in the SAP Fieldglass application that can be associated to, and consequently driven by, sites:

  • User
  • Activity Checklist
  • Supplier
  • Invoice Billing Schedule
  • Location
  • Custom Field
  • Invoice Adjustment
  • Corporate Calendar
  • Legal Entity
  • Invoice Tax Information
5The Site Configuration section of a Site Details page indicates the transactional objects that are enabled or locked for the selected site. The site configuration can only be edited by users with appropriate permissions.

Create a Site

WorkingNet has formed a new product unit, called NetAlysis, to develop network diagnostic software for its networking equipment.

As the SAP Fieldglass administrator for WorkingNet, you will need to create a company profile in the application to accommodate NetAlysis.

You’ve already created a business unit and cost centers for NetAlysis, so now you’ll create a site for the new team, which will be based at a new office in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

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