Managing Suppliers


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Edit a Supplier record in SAP Fieldglass.
  • Inactivate a Supplier.


Suppliers are not added to a buyer tenant in the same manner as other data objects. Instead, suppliers are responsible for creating their own tenants and are connected to buyer tenants after being invited and onboarded.

The Supplier section of the admin menu, then, does not allow you to create supplier records. It is, instead, where you would go to view and edit supplier records.

Navigating the Supplier Admin Object

screenshot of the Supplier section of the Admin Menu, the Supplier link is highlighted
1To view the list of the suppliers that are associated to the tenant, select Supplier from the Supplier section of the admin menu.

Supplier List Page

Each Supplier associated to a Buyer’s SAP Fieldglass tenant has its own profile.

This page also provides an at-a-glance view of the services that each listed supplier provides.

screenshot of re:CrewIT Supplier List page, the Services column, the Legend section, and the link to reCrewIT in the Name column are highlighted
2The legend correlating each icon in the Services Provided columns appears below the list.
3To view the details of a supplier record, select an appropriate link in the Name column.

Supplier Details Page

Within the supplier profile, a Buyer can:

  • indicate whether you want to consolidate their invoices,
  • view the distribution lists they are on,
  • view their rates,
  • apply AP codes to remit-to addresses,
  • manage the sites they can service, and
  • view which invoice billing schedules they have and their Workers.

Most fields in this section are managed on the supplier side.

screenshot of the top portion of the re:CrewIT details page with the Edit button and the Supplier Types section highlighted
4The Supplier controls a large portion of the information contained on this page. However, some details can be edited by the buyer. If supplier information needs to be edited, you would select the Edit button.
5Supplier Types are applicable only if using direct hire functionality in SAP Fieldglass. These flags indicate what type of payroll services a supplier can provide if a buyer is working with direct sourced workers. This information is defined by the buyer.
screenshot of the bottom portion of the re:CrewIT details page, with the Services Provided section, the Accounting section, the Diversity section, the Site section, and the Name Change History section highlighted
6Service Provided indicates what type of services this supplier can provide depending on the supplier’s business contract - Temp, Direct, Profile Worker or Services. If using profile workers, it defines whether the supplier can submit them. Additionally, if MSP fee is applicable, it is defined as supplier or buyer funded. This is managed on the buyer side.
7For Accounting, remittance type and consolidated invoicing are defined by the buyer, auto invoicing is dependent on buyer config.
8A supplier’s Diversity status is managed by the supplier.
9Total staff Size and revenue details are managed by the supplier.
10If SAP Fieldglass has processed any name changes for the supplier, the Name Change History information is included here.

Editing a Supplier

A large portion of the information on the Supplier page is controlled by the Supplier.

Buyers are limited to editing only certain details, such as how the Supplier will invoice the Buyer, the services the Supplier provides, and who will pay the MSP fees.

screenshot of top portion of the Supplier record in edit mode, with the Supplier Types field and the Vendor ID field highlighted

Supplier Types flags indicate the type of payroll services the supplier can provide.

  • Internal = Used for reporting purposes.
  • Payroll = When selected, the supplier can accept reassigned work orders.
  • IC Evaluator = Used for reporting purposes.
  • Offshore = Used for reporting purposes.
  • Independent Worker (1099, VAT Limited) = Used for reporting purposes.
  • Recruiter = When selected, the supplier can reassign work orders to Payroll suppliers. If candidate portal functionality is enabled, the supplier can be selected as the recruiter supplier on a job posting template.
12An organization may use either of the Parent ID and Vendor ID fields to align their supplier data from SAP Fieldglass to their other enterprise programs through reports or integrations.
screenshot of the bottom portion of the Supplier record in edit mode, with the Consolidated Invoices fields, the MSP Service Fee field, the Supplier can Create Profile Worker field, and the Remittance Type field highlighted
13Consolidated Invoices determines whether consolidated invoices can be sent to the supplier.
14MSP Service Fee impacts how the MSP Fee is calculated when a work order or SOW is created with this Supplier engaged. Supplier-funded means that the Supplier will pay the MSP. With Buyer-funded, the Buyer pays the MSP.
15If the Profile Worker module is enabled for the organization’s tenant in SAP Fieldglass, the Supplier can create Profile Workers flag would impact whether this supplier has the permissions to create Profile Worker records in the tenant.

Remittance Types indicates the remittance type that applies to this supplier. Possible values are Direct Pay and Indirect Pay.

  • Direct Pay indicates that the buyer pay both the MSP and the third-party supplier company directly.
  • Indirect Pay indicates that the buyer pays the MSP and the MSP pays the third-party supplier.

For a non-MSP buyer, the only available value is Direct Pay.

Inactivating a Supplier

Buyers may have the need to inactivate a Supplier if the supplier is no longer servicing their company or if their vendor contact is out of office and does not want to receive new postings while away.

By using the Inactivate a Supplier function vendors will stop receiving new job postings for a designated amount of time.

Suppliers can be inactivated indefinitely or on a temporary basis.

Inactivate a Supplier

WorkingNet no longer works with a supplier called Resource Group.

As the SAP Fieldglass administrator for WorkingNet, you must inactivate Resource Group so that it no longer receives Work Items relating to Job Postings or SOWs.

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