Managing Worker Time and Expenses


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Submit a Time Sheet as a Worker.
  • Submit an Expense Sheet as a Worker.
  • Detail the process of approving and revising Time and Expense Sheets.
  • Submit an Absence as a Worker.

Submitting Time Sheets

Workers submit time sheets and expense sheets in SAP Fieldglass, and hiring managers then review and approve them.

Play the video to learn about the process of submitting and approving time and expense sheets.

Worker Submits a Time Sheet

Gabriel has completed the SAP Fieldglass worker registration process and is ready to start submitting his time worked. This summarizes how he'll do that.

Approving Time Sheets

Once the worker submits a time sheet, the hiring manager must approve them in order for the worker to be paid.

Screenshot of Time Sheet Approval Work Item on SAP FIeldglass Homepage
1An approver, such as Melanie, initially selects the Time Sheet Work Item from the Admin vertical navigation menu.
Screenshot of Time Sheet Work Item List View
2After selecting her work item, Each Line can be highlighted to see the details of the time sheet.
Screenshot of Time Sheet Details Page with Approval and Rejection options highlighted
3She can select multiple time sheets and Approve and/or Reject in bulk if bulk approvals are enabled.

Here’s what a time sheet approver typically looks for prior to approving:

Screenshot of Time Sheet details highlighted for review in approval process
4Accurate Days worked from that time period
5Accurate Number of Hours worked on each day
6Correctly allocating time worked across appropriate Task Codes
7Accurately allocating time worked to Rate Categories such as standard time and over time

Submitting Expense Sheets

Workers may need to submit expenses if their agreed upon work order allows and has budgeted for reimbursing incurred expenses.

Expense codes – which define the types of expenses, such as hotel, taxi, and meals – are setup at the buyer company level and are the same for all suppliers.

Expense codes are also associated to cost centers and workers, therefore the data aligned to this particular worker will have an impact on which expense codes they are able to submit in their expense sheet module.

Screenshot of Create Expense Sheet page emphasizing the Cost Center and Expense Code columns.

Worker Submits an Expense Sheet

Gabriel is eligible to submit expenses for his assignment with WorkingNet. Here is the process of how he would create an Expense Sheet in the SAP Fieldglass application.

Approving Expense Sheets

Once the worker submits an expense sheet, the hiring manager must approve them in order for the worker to be reimbursed.

Screenshot highlighting Expense Sheet Work Item on SAP Fieldglass homepage
1An approver, such as Melanie, initially selects the Expense Sheet Work Item from the Admin vertical navigation menu.
Screenshot of Expense Sheet Work Items List View
2After selecting her work item, Each Line can be highlighted to see the details of the expense sheet.
Screenshot of Expense Sheet Details page with Approve and Reject options highlighted
3She can select multiple expense sheets and Approve and/or Reject in bulk if bulk approvals are enabled.

Here’s what an expense sheet approver typically looks for prior to approving:

Screenshot highlighting expense sheet details reviewed for approval
4Accurate Dates and Items of the expense
5Accurate Values of the expense amount
6Appropriate Expense Codes for the submitted item
7Presence of Attachments and Receipts as required by company policy

Revising a Time Sheet or Expense Sheet

Time Sheet and Expense Sheet revisions are used by Workers (and Suppliers) to correct time sheets or expense sheets that have already been invoiced, depending on the buyer configuration.

Play the video to learn how time and expenses sheets can be amended after being submitted.

Submitting Absences

Similar to the submission of time and expense sheets, if the buyer configures the setting on the Job Posting and associated Work Order, a Worker may also be able to submit an absence, or have their supplier submit an absence on their behalf.

Worker Submits an Absence

Gabriel is ill and needs to add an absence against his assignment that reflects this non-working time.


Time Sheet Statuses

Approval PausedUser roles or system roles defined in approval group have no users assigned. Buyer must assign users to these roles and restart approval process.
ApprovedBuyer has approved the time sheet.
DeletedTime sheet was deleted. This action can only be performed by the SAP Fieldglass Support Team.
DraftTime sheets were generated by SAP Fieldglass or entered by the worker but have not been submitted to buyer.
InvoicedSupplier invoiced the time sheet.
PaidInvoice for approved time sheet has been paid.
Payment PendingTimesheet is pending payment. This occurs when an invoice is created but not paid at time of invoice download.
Pending ApprovalWorker submitted the time sheet to the buyer for approval.
Pending Review of SupplierTime sheet is pending supplier review.
RejectedBuyer has rejected the time sheet.
SubmittedTime sheet has been submitted by worker.

Expense Sheet Statuses

Approval PausedUser roles or system roles defined in approval group has no user roles assigned to them, or user assigned does not have appropriate permissions to act on the work item. Buyer must assign users to these roles and restart the approval process.
ApprovedBuyer approved the expense sheet.
DraftExpense sheet was entered by the worker, but not yet submitted to the buyer.
InvoicedSupplier invoiced the expense sheet.
PaidInvoice for approved expense sheet has been paid.
Pending ApprovalWorker submitted the expense sheet to buyer for approval.
Pending Review by SupplierExpense sheet was submitted by worker but is pending supplier review.
RejectedBuyer rejected expense sheet.

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