Viewing All Work Items


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Reassign a Work Item..

View all Work Items

The View All Work Items page lists out every active work item within a company. This feature allows a user to take action on another user’s behalf.

Navigating the View all Work Items Admin Object

screenshot of the Systems Tools section of the Admin Menu, View All Work Items link is highlighted
1To review a user’s work items, select View All Work Items from the System Tools section of the admin menu.

Work Items List page

screenshot of View All Work Items List page showing the All Work Items tab in the Horizontal View, the Your Work Items, All Work Items and Reassign Work Items tabs, the Recipient fields, the Module, Activity, and Recipient columns, and the Vertical View icon are highlighted

This is a list of all work items that users across the organization are currently required to take action on.

The Work Items window is divided into two panes:

  • The Work Items list, and
  • The Work Item details.

In this default horizontal view, the top pane is the Work Items list. Selecting a work item in the list will display that item’s detail at the bottom of the list.

2You can show the work items for all SAP Fieldglass users, or you can limit the list to display only your work items using the Your Work Items, All Work Items, and Reassign Work Items options. Additionally, you can reassign any active work items to another user.
3The Received Within, Recipient, and Action items allow you to filter the time frames of the work items, the recipient of the work item, and/or what actions the work item is defining, such as work order or job posting approvals.
4The module indicates the type of work item. It can be a job posting, an invoice, a work order or any number of items that need an approval.
5Next Step indicates the action that is required from the recipient of the work item. For instance, does it require approval, or review? Does the original approval need to be edited?
6Recipient is the user who is required to act on the work item.
7Selecting Vertical view will present a truncated work items list with the details of the selected work item to the immediate right of the list.

Work Items List page: Vertical View

screenshot of View All Work Items List page in the vertical view, the Horizontal View icon and the Edit, Reject, and View Budget action buttons are highlighted

The vertical view presents the work items in a truncated list to the left of the screen, and the details of the selected work item to the immediate right.

8Selecting Horizontal view will restore the work items to the default view whereby the details of a selected work item are presented at the bottom of the work items list.
9The Actions buttons listed for the Work Item are indicated by buttons on the top right of the details pane. These action buttons can differ depending upon what activity the Work Item requires. These represent the actions available for Work Items needing approval. Restart Approval work items will show Restart, Messages, and a button to Star the item sets a priority for you or another approver.

Reassign a Work Item

Mavis, the manager of network engineering for WorkingNet, received a work item asking her to confirm and schedule an interview with a worker. However, she wants Peter Davison, the person who would be the worker’s immediate supervisor, to conduct the interview.

She asks you, the SAP Fieldglass administrator, to reassign the interview confirmation work item to Peter.

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