Configuring Knowledge Base Integration in SAP Service Cloud


After completing this lesson, you will be able to integrate a knowledge base to SAP Service Cloud

Knowledge Base Integration

A knowledge base is a centralized repository of information that service agents can leverage as they need in processing the tickets that they receive from customers. For example, agents can readily provide customers with relevant documents or articles relating to the subject of their tickets. While SAP Service Cloud doesn't have a built-in knowledge base, it does allow you to easily integrate with third-party knowledge bases. 


Third-party knowledge base providers such as MindTouch (NICE) have OpenSearch standards, so the integration of this knowledge base with SAP Service Cloud is easily configured as a mashup. The agent would access the knowledge base from Service Cloud via the Solution Finder tab on the ticket. 

Knowledge Base Integration Process

Configuring the mashup to integrate SAP Service Cloud with a third-party knowledge base with OpenSearch standards comprises of three steps. 

  1. Enable knowledge base integration in scoping,
  2. Configure a Web service to access knowledge base content,
  3. Configure a data mashup to specify the mapping.
Figure: Knowledge Base Integration Process
  1. The first step is to enable knowledge base integration in scoping. To do this, make sure that these questions under ServiceCustomer Care are selected in scope: 

    The Knowledge Base question "You can capture and share your knowledge in a central repository."

    The Service Request Management question "Do you want to enable the knowledge base integration feature of the agent workspace?"

  2. The second step is to configure a Web service for SAP Service Cloud to access content from the knowledge base. To do this, you need to provide SAP Service Cloud with the URL for the knowledge base and any other parameters, such as the username and logon password that the knowledge base vendor specifies.
  3. The third step is to then configure a data mashup. You do this by specifying the mapping between, the search parameters used by the SAP Service Cloud system and, the Web service input parameters of the knowledge base.

Configuring a Web Service for a Knowledge Base in SAP Service Cloud

Watch the following video below on how to configure a Web service for a knowledge base in SAP Service Cloud. 

Summary Steps 

  1. Enable knowledge base integration in scoping
  2. Configure a web service to access knowledge base content

Data Mashup

In SAP Service Cloud, a data mashup is a feature that allows you to integrate external data into your SAP environment. It allows you to pull data from external systems or databases and present it within the SAP Service Cloud interface. This can provide additional context or information to help with decision making or to enrich the data that is already available in your SAP system.

How to Create a Data Mashup for Knowledge Base in SAP Service Cloud

Click 'start exercise' below to learn how to configure a data mashup to specify a mapping to a third-party knowledge base in SAP Service Cloud. 

Select 'Open PDF Document' to get a downloadable guide with all the steps for the exercise after you click start. 

Lesson Summary 

In this lesson, you configured a Web service for a knowledge base in SAP Service Cloud and then you created a data mashup for a knowledge base. 

That concludes this unit where you completed the following lessons: 

Lesson 1: Configuring Phone Communication SAP Service Cloud 

Lesson 2: Configuring E-mail Set Up in SAP Service Cloud 

Lesson 3: Configuring Knowledge Base Integration in SAP Service Cloud 

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