Performing Scoping and Fine Tuning Tasks


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Perform scoping and fine tuning tasks in SAP Service Cloud's implementation phase..

Performing Scoping and Fine Tuning Tasks

Scoping and Fine tuning are two fundamental steps in the implementation of any SAP Service Cloud solution. Scoping refers to the process of identifying and defining the specific elements, features, and functionalities of the solution that are relevant to the business needs of the organization.  

This might include specifying the industry sector, the business processes to be covered, and the countries or regions involved.  Fine tuning, on the other hand, is about adjusting the scoped elements to the specific requirements and working practices of the organization. This involves setting up detailed parameters and rules that govern how the system behaves in different scenarios. This might include setting up workflows, customizing forms and reports, and defining user roles and permissions.  

Both scoping and Fine tuning require a deep understanding of the organization's business processes and needs, as well as a solid knowledge of the SAP Service Cloud solution. They are typically carried out by certified SAP consultants, in close collaboration with representatives from the organization.

Scoping - What is it?

Scoping starts with some basic information about the company concerned, for example the countries/regions where it does business and the type of business. The system uses this to make pre-selections. Other decisions about the company are made by selecting elements and answering questions to ensure that the system features that the company will need are enabled and configured according to its requirements. 

The business's countries and locales of practice and business type are the starting features for configuration using scoping, as just mentioned. Other important features include the managing of customer communication, such as allowing the system to accept incoming: 

  • E-mails and 
  • Phone calls 


First, you scope by finding out what system features the business needs to use. Some of the predefined solution capabilities are: 

  • Countries and Localizations 
  • E-mail and Phone (CTI) Communications
  • Warranty Management
  • Integration with other SAP Systems

These capabilities will be explained in more detail later in this course. 

Accessing Scoping

How to Access Scoping

Scoping can be accessed from Business Configuration → Implementation Projects → Edit Project Scope. See highlighted steps in green below. 

The scoping process takes the implementer through four main steps:  

  1. Country/Region  
  2. Implementation Focus  
  3. Scoping  
  4. Questions 
  5. Review and
  6. Confirmation

How to Select Features with Scoping in SAP Service Cloud

Select 'start exercise' below to guide you through a 2-minute practice simulation on how to scope using a real-world example. 

Select 'Open PDF Document' to get a downloadable guide with all the steps for the exercise after you click start.

Fine Tuning Overview

Fine tuning is the next step in the business configuration process. Fine tuning allows you to tailor the solution by checking and adjusting the predefined settings to meet the business requirements of the customer. Fine tuning is a set of activities automatically generated by the system based on your scoping decisions. Using these activities, the implementer can tailor the solution by checking and adjusting settings.  

Examples of configurations that can be fine tuned are: 

  • E-mail and fax settings 
  • Party role determination
  • Work distribution rules
  • Number ranges 

Accessing Fine Tuning

How to Access Fine Tuning

Fine tuning can be accessed from Business Configuration → Implementation Projects → select the project and then → Open Activity List. See highlighted steps in green below. 

How to Perform Fine Tuning to Enable E-mail Features in SAP Service Cloud

Select 'start exercise' below to guide you through a practice simulation on how to fine tune using a real-world example. 

Select 'Open PDF Document' to get a downloadable guide with all the steps for the exercise after you click start.



To summarize, here are the steps to start scoping and Fine tuning SAP Service Cloud for a business.  

Scoping:Business ConfigurationImplementation ProjectsEdit Project Scope.

Figure 3. How to access scoping

Fine tuning:Business ConfigurationImplementation ProjectsSelect ProjectOpen Activity List.

Figure 4. How to access fine-tuning

In the next lesson, you will be introduced to adaptation tasks and how to customize and extend them in SAP Service Cloud. 

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