Enabling Tickets in SAP Service Cloud


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Enable tickets in SAP Service Cloud and configure the tickets objects with the elements; document types, involved parties and status..

Configuring Tickets

A Ticket is a common term used in customer service applications, and in SAP Service Cloud. It represents a customer inquiry or issue that needs to be resolved by a service team. It may contain various pieces of information like the document type (service request or incident report), involved parties (whom the ticket is assigned to), the priority level, and the status (open, in progress, closed). An additional characteristic is the unique number which is always automatically assigned to the ticket.  

Document Types are a sub-category within the object ticket. They help categorize tickets based on their nature or purpose, such as a service request, repair, or incident. This allows for more efficient processing and management of tickets. 

Involved Parties represent the various stakeholders associated with a ticket. These could include the customer who raised the ticket, the service agent handling the ticket, or any other individuals or groups involved in resolving the ticket. The SAP Service Cloud enables the configuration of these parties based on the specific needs of the business process.  

Status refers to the different stages that a ticket goes through in its life cycle in the SAP Service Cloud. This could include statuses such as 'New', 'In Progress', 'Resolved', or 'Closed'. The status of a ticket helps in understanding its current position in the resolution process and aids in tracking and managing the ticket effectively.  

Each of these pieces of information can also be considered as Objects within the ticket. For instance, the "customer detail" object may contain attributes like name, contact information, and previous interaction history.  

Additionally, objects in SAP also typically have relationships with other objects. For example, a ticket object might be related to a customer object (who submitted the ticket), an employee object (who is assigned to handle the ticket), and a product object (what the ticket is about).  

These objects and their relationships form the structure of the data in the SAP Service Cloud system, allowing for efficient tracking, managing, and resolving of customer service issues. 

After completing this lesson, you will be able to enable tickets in SAP Service Cloud and configure the tickets object with the elements: Document Types, Involved Parties and Status. 



Figure 1 Ticket example

Tickets play a crucial role in service processes across various industries. A ticket in this context refers to a record or document that represents a service request, issue, or a task within a service management system. Here are some key aspects related to tickets in service processes: 

Ticket Service Process

The SAP ticketing system typically involves several stages, including Incoming, Processing, Resolving, Responding, and Closing. Below is an overview of each stage. 


This is the initial phase where a customer or end-user submits a request or reports an issue. 


Once the ticket is created, the first investigation and resolution activities are started. 


This stage involves actively working on the reported issue or request to find a solution. 


Once a resolution is identified, the support team communicates with the customer to provide updates or seek additional information. 


After the customer is satisfied with the resolution, the ticket is closed to mark the completion of the service request. 


In each phase, the ticket object is always a central component for efficiently recording, assigning, and effectively solving customer problems using various tools. These elements are described in more detail below. 

Ticket Service Process

1. Creation and Logging:

  • Tickets are typically created when a customer or user submits a request for service or reports an issue. 
  • Information such as the nature of the request, contact details, and any relevant details are logged into the ticket. 

2. Tracking and Management:

  • Tickets serve as a centralized way to track and manage service requests. They help ensure that requests are not overlooked and are handled in a timely and orderly manner. 
  • Service teams often use ticketing systems to assign, prioritize, and categorize tickets for efficient handling. 

3. Workflow and Automation:

  • Tickets often follow predefined workflows. For example, a ticket may move from an initial status of Open to Assigned, In Progress, Pending, and finally Closed when the issue is resolved. 
  • Automation tools are frequently used to streamline ticket workflows, automating routine tasks and notifications. 

4. Communication and Updates:

  • Tickets facilitate communication between service teams and customers.
  • Updates on the status of a ticket, resolutions, or additional information can be added to the ticket, providing a transparent and traceable communication trail. 

5. Escalation and Prioritization:

  • Depending on the nature of the issue or request, tickets can be escalated to higher levels of support or management for resolution. 
  • Prioritization is crucial to ensure that critical issues are addressed promptly. 

6. Metrics and Reporting: 

  • Ticketing systems generate valuable metrics and reports that help organizations analyze the performance of their service teams. 
  • Metrics may include response time, resolution time, ticket volume, customer satisfaction, and more. 

7. Knowledge Base Integration: 

  • Some ticketing systems integrate with knowledge bases, allowing support agents to access relevant information to resolve issues more efficiently. 
  • This integration helps in maintaining a consistent and accurate knowledge repository. 


Additional licenses may be required with the usage of a third-party tool.

8. Customer Self-Service: 

Some ticketing systems allow customers to create and track their own tickets through self-service portals, reducing the workload on support teams. 

9. Audit Trails and Compliance: 

Tickets provide a historical record of all actions taken during the life cycle of an issue or service request, which is important for auditing purposes and compliance with industry regulations. 

10. Continuous Improvement: 

Analysis of ticket data can inform continuous improvement efforts. Identifying recurring issues can lead to process improvements, additional training for support teams, or updates to self-service resources. 


In summary, tickets are a fundamental element in service processes, providing a structured and organized way to handle service requests and issues, leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. 


How to Enable Tickets in SAP Service Cloud

As an SAP consultant, you will be required to be able to enable tickets in the system. First, you will enable tickets in scoping, then you will activate additional specific features in the questions section and finally, you will enhance the authorization for the business users. 

Select 'start exercise' below to guide you through a 3-minute practice simulation on how to enable tickets in SAP service Cloud. 

Select 'Open PDF Document' to get a downloadable guide with all the steps for the exercise after you click start.

Summary Steps 

  1. Enable tickets in scoping 
  2. Activate additional specific features 
  3. Enhance authorization  

Ticket Main Elements

Figure 1: Main Elements of a Ticket

Tickets in SAP Service Cloud are transactional data to record customer or employee- related issues within the system. The main elements of a ticket are: 


Document Types

Document types refer to the different types of documents that can be attached to a ticket. Specification of different types of tickets used in service processes are: 

  • Service Request: A customer's request for assistance, information, or a specific service. 
  • Incident Report: A document detailing an unexpected event or issue that has disrupted normal operations. 


Involved Parties

Figure 2: Ticket: Involved Parties

Involved Parties include customers, service agents, managers, the IT team, SAP support team, third-party service providers, partners, and the SAP Cloud Platform. They all work together to ensure effective customer service operations, system maintenance, data management, and decision-making processes.

  • Customer/User: The individual or entity raising the service request or reporting an incident. 
  • Support Agent/Team: The personnel responsible for addressing and resolving the service request or incident. 
  • Supervisor/Manager: In case of escalations or higher-level decision-making. 
  • Other Stakeholders: Depending on the nature of the issue, additional parties may be involved (for example, IT personnel, external vendors). 


Figure 3: Ticket: Document Type, Escalation Status, Priority, Status

The status indicates the stage or condition of a particular service request, transaction, or process within the system. It helps in tracking customer service interactions and operations accurately.

  • Open: The initial status when the ticket is created and has not been addressed yet. 
  • Assigned: The ticket has been assigned to a specific support agent or team. 
  • In Progress: Work is actively being done to address the request or incident. 
  • Pending: The ticket is awaiting additional information or action from the customer or another party. 
  • Resolved: The issue has been addressed and resolved. 
  • Closed: The ticket is complete, and the service request or incident is considered closed. 

Service Object

A Service Object specifies the service, product, or system related to the ticket. It helps in categorizing and routing the ticket to the appropriate support team. For example, Registered Product and Installed Base. 

Figure 4: Ticket: Service Object = Serial ID (Registered Product) and Installed Base


Interactions show records of communication and actions taken by both the customer and the support team. This includes updates, comments, and any additional information related to the ticket. They could be an e-mail linked to the ticket or a phone call. 

Figure 5: Ticket: Interaction for Inbound and Outbound Mail

Reaction Time

The Reaction time is the time it takes for the support team to acknowledge and respond to the ticket after it has been created. It is often measured as part of service level agreements (SLAs). 

Figure 6: Ticket: Reaction Time

Document Flow

Document Flow represents the life cycle of the ticket from creation to resolution or closure. It includes the transitions between different statuses and the actions taken at each stage. 

Figure 7: Ticket: Document Flow

Knowledge Base

A Knowledge Base is a repository of information that support agents can refer to for guidance and solutions. It may include FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and best practices to aid in ticket resolution. 

Figure 8: Ticket: Solution Finder

These elements collectively contribute to the effective management and resolution of service requests or incidents. A well-structured ticketing system ensures clear communication, accountability, and efficient problem resolution in various service-oriented environments. 

Customizing Tickets for Document Type, Status Schema and Parties Involved in SAP Service Cloud 

Watch the video below to guide you through how to customize tickets for document type, status schema, and parties involved in SAP Service Cloud.

Lesson Summary

You should now be able to enable tickets in SAP Service Cloud and configure the object tickets with the elements; document types, involved parties, and status. In the next lesson, we will look at defining ticket routing rules to determine who are the responsible service teams.  

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