Administering Dashboard Templates


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Understand how dashboard templates can be edited and applied to different users..

Dashboard Template Modification

How to Modify a Dashboard Template?

To modify an existing dashboard template:

  1. Go to Manage > Administration > Dashboard Manager > Dashboard Templates.
  2. Find the template you want to modify, then choose Configure.
  3. Use the dashboard interface to rearrange, edit, add, or remove content as desired.
  4. Once you are finished making changes, choose Return to Administration Page, then choose Publish to save and publish the new template

Once you’ve selected a dashboard template to configure, you can view and edit the current template as needed.

Select each number icon for more information about the tabs and menu items on the Dashboard.

Rearrange Dashboard Items

You can also rearrange dashboard items.

Dashboard items can be manually re-organized.

To move an item, select, drag, and drop it into a blue outlined area.

For example, you want to move the Common Actions section in the dashboard.

Drag the Common Actions section and drop it to the highlighted Drop Here section.

For an overview of editing the dashboard and dashboard templates, watch this video.

Dashboard Templates Publishing Settings

Configure Publishing Settings

Now, we will look into how to configure publishing settings for dashboard templates.

When publishing a dashboard template, an announcement message can be configured. The next time a user logs in, they will see this announcement at the top of the screen.

Users will not immediately get the new published template version. The next time they log in, they will get all new or updated items marked as required.

All non-required changes will not populate until the dashboard is reset to the default template settings.

Users can reset their dashboards from the Configure Tabs menu on a dashboard.

Administrators can reset individual users dashboards in the Users task of the User Manager.

The below screenshot displays the page that allows you to publish a dashboard template.

Publish a Dashboard Template

The below screenshot displays the page that allows you to publish a dashboard template.

Insert image here

When publishing a new dashboard template, the announcement message can be translated into multiple languages by using the Translations link.

Here, you can enter the translation for each language, then choose OK to save the translations.

The below screenshot displays the Publish Dashboard Template page with the announcement message.

The below screenshot displays the Publish Dashboard Template page with the announcement message in English and Japanese.

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