Performing the Landscape Configuration


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Perform the landscape configuration.

Basic Configuration of SAP Landscape Management

You can configure the global settings for SAP Landscape Management, such as:

  • User interface

  • Notification

  • Engine

  • Monitoring

  • Synchronization or Standby

  • Advanced

Within the Setup tab, you can configure, for example, engine-specific settings such as SAP Host Agent user and password or activate and deactivate the SAP Landscape Management with a built-in authorization option.

Infrastructure Configuration of SAP Landscape Management


You can configure a network to group and landscape entities logically and separate them physically. To do this choose InfrastructureNetwork ComponentNetwork.

Furthermore, it is possible to configure the following:

  • Gateway server

  • DNS zone

  • Reverse DNS zone

  • Update IP range (for provisioning of new host names)

User Management

You can configure a user management method to create users in the OS. For example, <SID>adm is required for copying, refreshing, or renaming systems. To configure a user management method, choose InfrastructureNetwork ComponentsUser Management.

If you don’t have or don’t want to integrate your central User Management into SAP Landscape Management, you can leave out this configuration task. SAP Landscape Management will not check on users while doing clones/copies/refreshes and expect the users to be maintained already. You still can use Software Provisioning Manager to create and check users, but this will be configured under InfrastructureNetwork ComponentsAssignment.

Name Server


For more information, refer to the SAP Note: 1572841.

HTTP Proxy

SAP Landscape Management needs to reach every managed host that is supposed to be discovering. In some cases, the managed hosts and systems are not located in the same network or separated for security reasons. HTTP Proxy can support SAP Landscape Management to connect it to that zone and prevent customers from opening a lot of ports inside the firewall. When only one HTTP Proxy is used you can set it up directly inside the NetWeaver JAVA of your SAP Landscape Management installation. If you want to use more than one proxy, you set it up here in SAP Landscape Management.


Define which of your infrastructure components are used within a network. Every group of infrastructure component uses the operating system as constraint, which means it can exist more than once for different operating systems.

Virtualization Manager

You use this procedure to integrate SAP Landscape Management (through standardized interfaces) with a preconfigured virtual management solution provided by a technology partner. Efficiency and availability of hosts and applications in your landscape is improved. To integrate partner virtualization technology, choose InfrastructureVirtualization Managers.

You can choose the respective Virtualization Manager. Depending on your choice of virtualization manager, not all vendors are shown here. It might be necessary to activate specific vendors to be able to select them in this view.

Every vendor needs specific properties. All of them need at least one kind of authentication, mostly a username/password combination. The rest is vendor related. Please contact your vendor for details and follow their recommendations.

Storage Manager

You can configure storage managers for executing pre-attach volumes or post-detach volumes during prepare or unprepare (relocate) operations. To configure storage managers, choose InfrastructureStorage Managers.

A storage library is required for managing specific storage systems. A platform library is required for managing virtual host names and network file systems. A database library is required for managing specific database systems. These libraries reside in /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe. For Windows and Linux, the platform and database libraries come with the Host Agent installs files. For other platforms, libraries may need to be added manually.

SAP Licenses are traditionally tied to the Message Server Hardware ID. The adaptive design allows the Message Server hardware (and thus Hardware ID) to change. Traditional licenses are then invalid.

The flexible license mechanism uses a separate ID generator instead of the Hardware ID. This is implemented in the SAP Host Control process and generates an ID based on the following data:

  • Hardware ID of the ID generator.

  • Network parameters of the message server.

  • Network connection between the message server and the ID generator.

The message server can be moved to a different hardware. The ID generator has to remain on the same hardware.

Storage systems display the free and total space of available storage systems and display all specified information from previous steps.

Cloud Manager

Since SAP Landscape Management 3.0 SP9 all public cloud vendors have their own place inside the SAP Landscape Management configuration. In the past, it was integrated into the Configuration tab of Virtualization Managers.

Like the configuration for other Infrastructure parts we need to provide different properties to connect. The AWS integration uses the official AWS API. On the Microsoft Azure side, there is one dedicated adapter for SAP Landscape Management provided by Microsoft. Google Cloud Platform is also supported. Refer to this site for the latest information on Cloud Adapter:


You have two ways to set up your repository. The first one is to provide all data manually, like an export path. The second option is shown in the picture and uses an automatic discovery. Therefore the repository must be available on one host to be discovered. It is recommended to use the SAP Landscape Management host in an exemplary manner. Don’t get confused about the repository details and that the host you used for discovery is mentioned here. The host is only used to gather information about the export path and mount options and will not be used while using the repository.

Some repository types can have multiple versions inside the root directory, others need a dedicated repository for each version, for example the HANA Update repository.

The automatic discovery requires a remote location, meaning SAP Landscape Management will use the mount information to mount that repository if needed.

If you use a central share that is mounted by default and isn’t supposed to be mounted temporarily by SAP Landscape Management, then you have to set it up as local path. Local path means SAP Landscape Management has nothing to do and will expect the necessary files are located in the configured path.

You can add a repository by carrying out the following steps:

  1. Choose Add Repository.

  2. Define the name of the repository, the host name, and repository usage.

  3. Choose the mount point that contains the volume mounted.

To configure a repository, carry out the following steps:

  1. Choose Add Configuration.

  2. Define a use case for this configuration.

  3. Define a name, release version, and OS type.

  4. Define the path the DVD.

Java PCA


For more information, refer to SAP Note: 1891353.

Configuration of Initial Entities of SAP Landscape Management

Configure Pools

Pool structure depends on customer needs, for example, one pool for the productive system, a separate pool for the quality assurance system (QAS) and another system, for DEV.

Pools help you logically group landscape entities and separate them physically. You can group identical or different pools in a pool container. The pool container can contain both pools and containers.

To create a pool, choose ConfigurationPoolsAdd Pool and define a name and description as well as custom properties, if needed.

Pools are a logical group of hosts, system, and instances. They allow for separation of authorizations and operations on multiple hosts or instances. Pools can be grouped into Pool Containers.

In the first place you will use pools to quickly navigate or have a quick preselection of systems to use with mass operations.

The advanced authorization might require a different setup of pools to provide or limit the functionality for a certain group of users. The advanced authorization concept works with pool to group assignments.

There is more on SAP Landscape Management advanced authorization in Unit 9.

Discovery Systems and Hosts

You can add hosts and systems to the landscape and make them available for performing operations in SAP Landscape Management. Hosts and systems can be added in several ways. You can choose between decentralized methods, like using agent based discovery or use centralized sources like SLD or Virtualization Manager. The SAP Host Agent is used for communication. Hosts can belong to one pool, but several networks.

To add hosts choose ConfigurationHostsDiscover.

Discovery Options for Hosts


Find hosts available in the landscape and add them to SAP Landscape Management

Detect using host and instance agents

  • SAP Landscape Management directly communicates with the SAP host agent to retrieve the host information from the landscape.

  • Direct communication with the instance agent to retrieve the instance information from the landscape.

  • Hosts found are directly configured in SAP Landscape Management.

  • Instances found are directly configured in SAP Landscape Management.

Detect on managed hosts

SAP Landscape Management searches for the new instances available on hosts already configured.

SAP Landscape Management Landscape Scanner

  • Set the automatic landscape scanning attribute when configuring SAP Landscape Management using the configuration wizard or configuring the engine settings.

  • The landscape is automatically scanned for newly added hosts and instances based on the attribute set.

  • The number of detected hosts is shown in SAP Landscape Management under Overview.

Virtualization Manager

SAP Landscape Management searches for new hosts available in the virtualization manager (hosts only).

Local System Landscape Directory

Retrieves host details from the local System Landscape Directory using a preconfigured System Landscape Directory destination.

Remote System Landscape Directory

Retrieves host details from the remote System Landscape Directory by accessing it through the System Landscape Directory URL.

 Detect appliancesSAP Landscape Management detects solution instances in the SAP Cloud Appliance Library (System only).

Import the host configuration data

XML file

You reuse the host configuration data.

It is recommended you choose Detect Using Host and Instance Agent.

Host Configuration

After adding the hosts, configuration work needs to be done in SAP Landscape Management, such as for the Basic Configuration:

  • General:
    • Select the Managed checkbox to include the host in managed landscape.

    • Select the Operational checkbox to make the host available for starting instances.

  • Change the Pool assignment of your host, if needed

  • Change the Host Agent Configuration, if needed

  • Add custom relation types, if configured

  • Add custom properties, if needed

For further details check the official documentation:

The following are host properties:

  • Select the Isolation Ready checkbox to enable this host to be isolated by operating system firewall fencing.

  • Select the AC-Enabled checkbox if SAP Host Agent is installed on the host and it is capable of mounting remote services.

  • Provide information on SAPS Provided.

  • Select the DHCP and dynamic DNS used for IP address assignment to consider the host offline if the host names can no longer be resolved.

  • Assign host networks as follows: Assign a network interface to a previously configured network (choose Retrieve & Add Interfaces from Host Agent).

Mass configuration is possible if you change the configuration data of several hosts at once.

SAP Landscape Management starts the OS firewall during system provisioning to isolate the target system of a system copy and prevents the landscape from unwanted communication with it.

Instance Configuration

After adding instances, configuration work needs to be done in SAP Landscape Management. Configure the following:

  • Basic configuration for example, Instance Agent Communication.

  • Instance properties for example AC-Enabled.

  • Mount points for example, add system specific mount points.

Mass configuration is possible. Instances can be reassigned to other systems.

An example of configuring instances is to add system specific mount points. This information is needed during the provisioning process. SAP Landscape Management needs to know the volumes of the source system to trigger the Storage Manager to clone them.

Instance Properties are important if you are using the adaptive design and want to leverage your storage for system provisioning.

Configure the following:

  • Adaptive Enablement

  • Virtual hostnames and Networks: HANA only: provide the communication hostname for SAP HANA System Replication here

  • Preferred Host

  • OS Type of the host

Additionally, provide the mount points to be used for this instance. SAP Landscape Management can then mount or unmount these mounts for relocation or while performing a system provisioning task.

System Configuration

System are automatically generated as soon as you discover instances. You configure systems so that SAP Landscape Management can manage these systems in the landscape. The following are examples of system configurations:

  • Basic configuration for example, add description or change system type.

  • SolMan settings (only valid, if a Solution Manager system is also managed by SAP Landscape Management).

  • Focus Run settings (only valid, if a Focus Run system is also managed by SAP Landscape Management).

  • SAP HANA Cockpit settings (only valid, if a HANA Cockpit is also managed by SAP Landscape Management).

  • Intersystem Dependencies.

  • Entity Relations.

Mass configuration is possible.

The following is an example of system configuration: In the Systems tab, assign SolMan checks, if entries exist in the maintenance calender when you want to stop a system and throw information in SAP Landscape Management. Provide RFC User details for PCA execution triggered by SAP Landscape Management to define if the system was created by installation or copy (and provide information of a source system of copy).

To use the discovered system for more than only start/stop we have to provide even more information in the second section of the system configuration. In general, all system provisioning features needs to be enabled in this section and won’t be enabled automatically. For system provisioning, but also to set system messages we have to provide at least one RFC destination. The main RFC will be used for standard tasks, for example to check who is logged on or setting a new system message. For system provisioning, we need to add a PCA RFC. This RFC will be used to execute Post-Copy Automation task lists.


You can create characteristics to group instances and hosts according to these characteristics and to make mass operations easier to handle.

You can create a characteristic for each of your data centers (DC) and filter them via DC location.

Custom Relations

You can define and visualize static relationships between entities for example, you can define a relation between three specific systems configured in your landscape.

Perform an Initial Configuration

Business Scenario

In the following exercise you will do the basic configuration in SAP Landscape Management after the initial configuration.

Exercise Options

You can perform this exercise in two ways:

  1. Start the exercise. From the entry screen, choose Start Tutorial to watch the simulation.
  2. Start the exercise. From the entry screen, choose Open PDF Document. This document contains all required steps to perform this exercise in your own system.

Perform an Initial Configuration - Part 1

Perform an Initial Configuration - Part 2

Perform an Initial Configuration - Part 3

Perform the Basic Configuration of Systems

Business Scenario

In this exercise you will perform a basic configuration on the systems, created in the exercise Perform an Initial Configuration.

Exercise Options

You can perform this exercise in two ways:

  1. Start the exercise. From the entry screen, choose Start Tutorial to watch the simulation.
  2. Start the exercise. From the entry screen, choose Open PDF Document. This document contains all required steps to perform this exercise in your own system.

Perform the Basic Configuration of Systems - Part 1

Perform the Basic Configuration of Systems - Part 2

Perform the Basic Configuration of Systems - Part 3

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