Starting a SAP HANA Cloud Database


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Start your SAP HANA Cloud database instance.

SAP HANA Cloud Database Instance Start

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, you'll learn how to start your SAP HANA Cloud database instance that you previously created in your SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) account.

Business Case

As a database administrator, you need to start your company's SAP HANA Cloud database deployed in the SAP Business Technology Platform.


The steps to start your SAP HANA Cloud database instance also apply to an SAP HANA Cloud database instance that was created in an SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) enterprise account.

Start a Database Instance Using SAP HANA Cloud Central

From the SAP BTP cockpit, navigate to your SAP BTP subaccount (1), in the navigation panel select Instances and subscriptions (2), and select the SAP HANA Cloud (3) to open the SAP HANA Cloud Central.

The SAP HANA Cloud Central (1) opens in a new browser tab. This makes it easier to navigate between the SAP HANA Cloud Central and SAP BTP Cockpit.

To open the Actions Menu for the selected cloud database, select the °°° (2) button. From the Actions menu, select the Start (3) option to start the SAP HANA Cloud database instance.

Your SAP HANA Cloud database instance is now being started. The whole start process takes a few minutes.

Start a Database Instance Using Cloud Foundry CLI

It's also possible to start an SAP HANA Cloud database instance using the Cloud Foundry CLI. Before you can start a database instance, you need to install the Cloud Foundry CLI, and log on to the SAP BTP as previously explained.

Start a database using cf cli

To start an SAP HANA Cloud database using the Cloud Foundry CLI, execute the following steps:

  1. Open a Linux Terminal or Windows PowerShell.
  2. Log in to the SAP BTP using the command cf login -o <organisation> -s <space> -a <API endpoint>, and enter your credentials.
    • -o : The organization to connect to.
    • -s : The space to connect to.
    • -a : The API endpoint to use.


    If you use the SAP HANA Cloud trial account with one organization and space, you can omit the -o, -s and -a options.
  3. To create a new database service, execute the command:
    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    cf update-service <service name> -c '{"data": { "serviceStopped": false } }'


    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    cf update-service HC200-Demo-Database -c '{ "data": {"serviceStopped": false}}'

    The above command will start the stopped database.

Have a look at the Start and Stop an Instance Using the CLI page to have a complete list of parameters that can be used to start a database instance.

Start an SAP HANA Cloud Database Instance

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