Exploring the Job Posting Template


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Navigate a Job Posting Template admin and explain what it represents in SAP Fieldglass..

Job Posting Templates

Job Posting Templates are used along with contingent types to standardize the job posting creation process. At least one job posting template must be defined before job postings can be created. They contain the default values and information fields that appear when a job posting is created.

Templates include such information as rates, supplier distribution lists, and specific rules that need to be applied to related job postings. The manner in which they are configured depends on an organization’s procurement workflows.

Job Posting Templates must be selected before a job posting can be completed. They determine much of the information that is needed for the specific position being posted.

screenshot of the Select Source section of a Job Posting creation page listing all of the templates available

When a user creates a job posting, a template is selected and much of the information is defaulted.

When used in conjunction with Contingent Types, Buyers can set up rules and determine the fields that are visible on job postings for specific contingent labor needs. WorkingNet, for example, can create separate templates to use when hiring network engineers, programmers, accountants, or factory workers. Each template would be configured for the specific position required.

At least one job posting template must be defined before job postings can be created.

Detailed information on configuring and using Job Posting Templates is available in the Contingent Certification Learning Journey.

Navigating the Job Posting Template Admin Object

screenshot of Worker section of the Admin Menu, the Job Posting Template link is highlighted

To view a list of job posting templates available in the tenant, select Job Posting Template from the Worker section of the admin menu.

Job Posting Template List Page

The job posting template list page will display a catalog of roles/positions a Hiring Manager can hire for.

My Starred Items displays a list of the Job Posting Templates that you’ve identified as important. You can add to this list by opening a template and selecting the Star button.

screenshot of Job Posting Template List page, the View field, the Contingent Type column, the Template ID column, the Title column, the Parent Template ID column, and the Template ID link for Application Programmer are highlighted
2If you’ve created a list of commonly used Job Posting Templates, you can select My Starred Items to view that list.
3The Contingent Type object determines the fields that are visible, locked, or defaulted on associated Job Posting Templates for any specific contingent labor needs, such as regional or role-based requirements. The fields/flags shown on the job posting will populate based on what contingent type is selected when configuring the template.
4Template IDs are generated automatically by SAP Fieldglass, combining the buyer tenant code, the letters ‘JT’ to indicate Job posting Template, and an 8-digit number indicating the order in which the template was created.
5Title is the name of the template, which is usually the title of the position for which the job posting would be created to fill.
6If job posting templates are organized into parent/child groups, the Parent Template ID and Parent Template columns will list the ID and name of the parent template.
7To view details of a job posting template, select an appropriate link in the Template ID column.

Job Posting Template Details Page

The details page provides a snapshot view into the template all job postings will follow when Application Programmer is selected. It includes key details such as:

screenshot of the top portion of the Application Programmer Job Posting Template Details page highlighting the Star button, the Add Child button, the Labor Type row in the Details section, and the Accounting section
8Select the Star button to add this template to your My Starred Items job posting templates list.
9You can organize templates into groups by selecting Add Child to create child templates from existing templates. When a child JP template is created, all data is inherited from the parent JP template and can be changed without affecting the parent template.
10Labor Type are clusters of most common job types that have been determined using industry-wide standards. Labor Types can be associated to specific users in a supplier company to ensure that job postings are routed to the correct person at a company.
11Accounting provide details such as time sheet type, frequency and estimated expenses.
screenshot of the middle portion of the Application Programmer Job Posting Template Details page highlighting the Rates and Custom Fields sections
12Rates indicates the shifts, categories, rate types, and minimum/maximum charges for the position.
13Custom Fields are customized fields needed for reporting purposes that are not native to SAP Fieldglass.
screenshot of the bottom portion of the Application Programmer Job Posting Template Details page highlighting the Distribution and Rules sections
14Distribution determines how the job posting will be routed to Suppliers.
15Rules are flags that are often defaulted from the contingent type.

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