The Configuration Manager role allows companies to establish super users who can access integration, system, and maintenance tools via a self-service dashboard in the application.
The Configuration Manager includes advanced tools that allow users with the appropriate permissions to configure integrations functions in a way that isn’t allowed through the regular admin menu.
The primary purpose of SAP Fieldglass integrations is to move data securely from one system to another. Integration Tools allow customers to:
- Independently manage integration connectors and endpoints for their company
- Troubleshoot issues if they arise and eliminate need for support cases
- Enable, edit, manage connectors and endpoints
- Monitor progress of file uploads and downloads
Upon login to the Configuration Manager self-service dashboard, a large section of the dashboard entitled Integration Activity appears immediately below the welcome message at the top of the page. The Integration Activity tile reflects a company's integration statuses and alerts for batch and real time integrations, as well as payload transports and subscription activity.
The Integration Activity section reflects up to 4 tiles that allow companies to view the status of their integrations (Success, In Progress, and Failed) in real time. These results can be filtered using a Time Frame drop-down to show data and activity from the last 24-hour, 7-day, or 30-day period. Batch data can be modified to show upload or download information specifically, while each enabled tile also has a View Error button that can be selected to launch additional data regarding integrations which have not been successful.

Standard Connectors in SAP Fieldglass don’t necessarily contain the proper logic to align data to other ERP systems. For that reason, they must be enabled and configured in an organization’s SAP Fieldglass tenant.
Each tile opens a page where you can take one or more actions on connectors.

1 | API Application Keys =Opens the API Application Keys List page. This allows you to view, edit, enable, and disable existing API application keys and web service accounts. Clicking on New opens the Basic Setup dialog box on the API Application Key form page. This allows you to create and view API application keys, view and edit existing web service accounts related to the company, and create new web service accounts. |
2 | Connector Wizard=Opens the Connector Setup Wizard. This enables you to select the proper connector based on a series of questions. The connector setup process walks you through the enablement of the SAP Fieldglass standard connector (specifications, security, customization & transfer methods). |
3 | DocuSign End Points =Opens the DocuSign End Point List. This allows you to view, edit, enable, and disable existing DocuSign End Points. Clicking on New opens the Add DocuSign Endpoint page, where you can create the End Point ID, define the End Point URL, enter the SAP Fieldglass Integrator Key, provide the User ID for the end point, provide the Private Key (Generated JSON Web Token), as well as list the optional DocuSign account Username and Password. |
4 | Encryption Keys and Certificates =SAP Fieldglass provides a common platform that enables reusable services to store, retrieve, and use assets (encryption keys and certificates) to implement a common interface for all business applications to secure confidential data; reduce duplication of code and processes; and provide a single view to all security assets. Data marked as secure are encrypted through the keys and stored encrypted in the SAP Fieldglass database. |
5 | End Points =Opens the End Point list. This allows you to edit or create new end points for Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) file transfers. End points define the properties of the server that SAP Fieldglass will communicate with to complete the SFTP integration. |
6 | Integration Subscriptions =Opens the Subscription List page. The page provides visibility to all subscriptions for the company, including the Status (All, Enabled, or Disabled), Name, Type (All, Download, Upload (sftp), or webservice), Subscriber, and End Point for each subscription. You can filter the columns to adjust the display results, as well as add, edit, enable/ disable, test, and remove subscriptions. |
7 | Monitor Activity =Opens the Integration Audit Trail page. This allows you to view batch activity for connectors (standard upload & download transactions), real-time activity for event-driven integrations, and payload details for the audit of publish/subscribe framework activities. |
8 | SAP Task Center =To enable task updates to be pushed from SAP Fieldglass to SAP Task Center, you need to set up the authentication credentials from SAP BTP cockpit where your SAP Task Center instance was created. |
In addition to the Integration Tools tiles that were just defined, the Configuration Manager’s self-service dashboard also provides two default shortcut buttons that allow users to perform immediate actions within the system in a quick and efficient manner.
The Connector Catalog provides immediate access to connectors and integration details, while the New button is an activity based drop-down that launches into various configuration actions across multiple categories.

1 | Connector Catalog =Opens the Connector List page - defaulted on the tab called Connector Catalog. This page lists all connectors available for enablement, including their category, activity, status, and a brief description. You can narrow the view down to only My Connectors, see all connectors from this page, as well as enable and edit your connectors. The second tab, entitled Company Connectors, allows you to view the connectors currently enabled for the organization. The list view includes run count, last run dates, versions, status and activity. From here you can also access the connector set up and edit the standard connectors. |
2 | New =Displays a drop-down list of configuration items that can be created using this shortcut button instead of the available tiles assigned a category. Objects that can be created are API Application Key, App Activity, Crypto Asset, End Point, Integration Subscription, Payload, Qualification, Rate Component, and Rate Component Group. |