Configuring SOW Classifications


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Explain how Classifications affect the availability of SOW Templates during SOW creation.
  • Create a Classification and associate it with an SOW Type, SOW Template, and Supplier.


SOW Templates are the foundation of statements of work. They contain the default values and information that automatically populates when an SOW is created.

Play the video to learn more about how Classifications support the creation of SOWs.

Selecting A Classification

Before a statement of work (SOW) can be created, a Classification must be chosen. Classifications are used to organize SOW templates and the Suppliers that provide services

This selection determines the template that will be used as the basis of the SOW, as well as the suppliers that are available. Classifications allow organizations to align suppliers to specific SOW templates. For example, when Patricia created the SOW for WorkingNet’s data center expansion, her choice of the IT classification impacted the suppliers and SOW templates available for the project. Only the suppliers and templates that are associated to the IT classification were available to her when creating the statement of work.

Screenshot of the creation of an SOW showing the option available in the Classification field dropdown menu.

Configure a Classification

In order to associate SOW templates to classifications, you of course need a classification!

Creating a new classification can be as simple as giving it a name. For the classification to be active in the application, it must be associated to either SOW Templates, Suppliers, or both.

When creating the SOW for WorkingNet’s data center project, Patricia, the Director of Networking and Network Security for WorkingNet, was able to narrow the choices of SOW Templates because the templates were associated to the IT Classification.

As the SAP Fieldglass admin for WorkingNet, creating a classification is your responsibility.

Your task is to create a classification for IT projects so that the appropriate SOW templates are presented when creating statements of work for those types of projects.

Classification selected

Now, when Patricia creates a new SOW, she can select Engineering as a classification and the three suppliers you associated to the new Engineering classification appear.

Screenshot of an SOW creation page showing the three suppliers associated to the Engineering classification.

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