Configuring the BPMN Notation and Attributes


After completing this lesson, you will be able to configure BPMN Notation and Attributes

Configure BPMN Notation and Attributes

Configure BPMN Notation and Attributes.

The BPMN 2.0 Notation

BPMN 2.0 is a comprehensive process modeling notation with more than 150 shapes and connectors. Most companies never use all of them, so it's helpful to create a subset of the frequently used process elements for easy access.

Focusing on the frequently used elements helps users avoid unnecessary complexity and focus on the best-suited notations for their processes. For example, if you're creating an end-to-end process, you can show your modelers only the elements that pertain to those types of processes. 


Watch the following video to see how to add a BPMN subset.
Sample process model with customized background colors, as explained in the following text.

You can change the default appearance of the notation elements, such as font type or color for tasks. These format attributes are defined for all notation subsets. For example, if you change the background color of the task element, the system changes all BPMN subsets accordingly. 

Recommendation: Use light colors, so it does not affect readability. The image on the right shows how the bottom green and pink tasks are hard to read, while the grey and yellow are easier on the eyes. 


Watch the following video to see how to define default colors and font formats for element types on a task.

Notation and Attributes Customization

Customize Your Notations and Attributes

You can further customize your notations and attributes through custom attributes. Custom attributes allow you to add additional information that's specific to your process, based on company requirements. For example, you can add an attribute that shows a description of a specific role that's responsible for a process task.


Watch the following video on how to create custom attributes.

Add and Manage Custom Attributes

For each diagram element and dictionary category, you can define custom attributes that allow you to add additional information. 

Custom attributes work in the same way as standard attributes in a modeling notation and can also be displayed in the Collaboration Hub. Let's look at some commonly used attributes for processes.

Useful Attributes for Processes

Commonly used process attributes:

  • Process Owner
    • Type: Text (free text)
    • Type: Dictionary link (when assigning responsibilities from the dictionary)
  • Review Date

    Type: Date - Allows you to set a fixed date for a new review of the process. You can use the search function of the work area to search for specific periods of time.

  • Process status

    Type: Drop-down box - Allows the storage and filtering of process models according to a specific processing status or maturity level. Typical states are: Approved/In-coordination.

  • Customer interaction? or ISO9000 certification?

    Type: Boolean - Enables later filtering of all processes in which customer interaction takes place or ISO9000 is to be applied.



The following video shows how to filter by process attributes. In this example, we want to filter by process owner and ISO9000 certification. Two different ways to filter and search will be shown.

Useful Attributes for Tasks

Commonly used task attributes: 

  • Applicable Documents or Templates
    • Link your documents to your dictionary.
    • Refer to an external storage (for example, Sharepoint) with attribute type "Document/URL".
  • Four attributes for Responsibility Assignment according to RACI
    • RACI: Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed.
    • Dictionary link - assign existing items and roles.
  • Risks and Controls

    Link your risks and controls to your dictionary. 

  • IT System

    Link your IT system to your dictionary.

Custom Graphics

Upload custom graphics for use in Customer journeys, Value chains, and BPMN 2.0 diagrams. 

For example, visualize an IT system with its company logo (see the following image). This is possible after you upload the custom graphic to your workspace for the respective element.


To upload a custom graphic, your file needs to meet certain requirements
  • Maximum file size of 20 kilobytes
  • Maximum of 2000 anchor points
  • Valid SVG file structure
  • No custom XML, Javascript, or embedded images in a SVG
Example of custom graphics in a workflow. Here, the SAP logo is used.

Depending on diagram type, the following elements can be customized: 

  • BPMN 2.0 diagrams: IT systems, additional participants.
  • Value Chains: Processes, collapsed processes.
  • Customer Journey Maps: Personas, touchpoints, moments of truth, customers, and decorations.

Custom graphics are tied to the workspace in which they are uploaded - if you have multiple workspaces and want to use custom graphics in each, you must upload them separately to each workspace.

For more information on custom graphics, visit: product documentation


Continue to watch the following video on how to set up custom graphics.

Key Takeaways - Notation and Attributes Customization

1 - BPMN Elements: Focus on the commonly used BPMN elements to avoid unnecessary complexity. 2- Standard and Custom Attributes: These attributes allow you to add additional information to diagram elements or your dictionary. 3 -Attributes Benefits: Helpful for running reports to highlight specific insights, for example, the RACI Matrix. 4 - Organization Needs: Best practice is to create custom attributes tailored to your specific organization's needs.

Perfect - you should now know how to customize your BPMN shape set and attributes. Continue with visualizing attributes.

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