Using Responsibility and Usage Reports


After completing this lesson, you will be able to learn responsibility and usage reports

Responsibility and Usage Reports

Responsibility reports: RACI Matrix and Handovers

Every process model contains defined responsibilities for tasks. SAP Signavio standard reports contain two dedicated ones, which aggregate these roles (mostly used in pools and lanes, but also in attributes) and analyze the handovers between process participants. These reports are:

  • Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI)
  • Responsibility Handovers Matrix

Both reports are categorized as Responsibility Reports.

The RACI report maps tasks and deliverables against roles in a process. Some of the benefits of this report is that clarifies roles and eliminates confusion, as well as ensures smooth transitions and handoffs in case of turnover. The responsibility handover report considers tasks between pools and lanes as a handover or a responsibility. The benefits are that keeps the project on a track and ensures nothing falls through the cracks, and prioritizes communication between teams and stakeholders.

Capturing Information to Use in the RACI Report

To define the content of the RACI Report, on the diagram elements, set the KPIs / Attributes like Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed:

To capture the information to include in the RACI report, select an element in the process model and enter further responsible. Select the element in which further data should be stored via the attributes panel. Hint: R and I can be modeled by pools, lanes, and information flows or directly in the attributes. A and C can only be stored in the attributes.

After we've mapped the attributes in the process, the data will be transferred to the report and neatly displayed in an XLS file.

Responsibility Assignment Report (RACI) includes: R as responsible, A as accountable, C as consulted, and I and informed.

Capturing Information to Use in the Responsibility Handover Report

Define your sequence and message flows using arrow directions in the process model diagram to define the direction of handoffs between responsibilities:

To capture the information to include in the responsibility handovers, use arrows to define the direction of the handoffs between responsibilities in the process model, connecting the objects as a sequence flow (line arrow) or message flow (dotted arrow). This way, the flows between lanes and pools define a handover.

Viewing the Generated XLS Report

After we’ve mapped the attributes in the process, the data is transferred to the report and neatly displayed in an .XLS file.

The responsibility handovers report considers pools and lanes, as well as links to organizational dictionary entries.

IT System and Document Usage

Usage reports: IT System and Documents.

Usage Reports

In SAP Signavio Process Manager, process diagrams can be created and the specific use of IT systems and documents can be defined between tasks and responsibilities.

The IT System usage report creates an assignment report that shows which IT system data is read from during an activity, and which IT system data is written to. The benefits include seeing at a glance which IT systems are involved in your processes and quick recognition of automation potential. On the other hand, the document usage report creates and XLS file for one or many diagrams describing the assignment of documents to tasks. Some of the benefits are that it clarifies the use of documents and eliminates confusion, as well as seeing at a glance which documents are used in your processes.

IT System Usage Report

  • Select whether IT system associations refer to roles or diagrams.

    It depends on whether the report is only IT specific or if we need information about the users working with the IT Systems (user management). The functionality also includes IT systems that have been linked, through a custom-defined attribute, as a dictionary entry. If custom attributes linked to organizational dictionary entries have been defined, they’re also included in the calculation.

  • Capturing information to use in IT system reports.
  • Clarify which roles and IT systems are relevant in the process and define the content for the IT System usage report.

    There are two options of how to set the information in a process diagram.

There are two options to set the information in your process model for the IT usage report. First option is to link the system in the attributes. The second options is to use the element for IT systems (SAP Signavio specific).

The IT system usage report is an XLS file for one or more diagrams outlining the allocation of IT systems to diagrams, tasks, and roles.

In a report based on diagrams, we will see the process and the included tasks, each connected to an IT system. It is recommended for analyzing multiple processes in one report.
n a report based on roles, we will see the role and the included tasks, each task and role connected to an IT system. It is recommended for a clear user overview (user management).

Capturing Information to Use in the Document Usage Report

Clarify which documents are in use and define the content for the document usage report. There are two options to set the information in a process diagram.

To connect the elements, and therefore ensure input and output information, use the proper direction of the arrow.

There are two options to connect the elements in a process diagram to documents. The first option is to enter your data object information into custom attributes: for example, with documents stored in the Dictionary. The second option is to use the proper direction of the arrow to connect the elements and thus ensure input and output information. Then, insert the data object (artifacts) directly into your process diagram.
Document usage report as an XLS file

The screenshot shows a document usage report as an XLS file for one or more diagrams, describing the assignment of documents to tasks by input and output, or attribute.

How to Create Responsibility and Usage Reports

In the following video, you can see how to create responsibility and usage reports.

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