Defining a Qualification Template


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Create a Qualification template in SAP Fieldglass..

Qualification Template

When a Buyer is considering working with a new Supplier, the Buyer can send out a Supplier Qualification Form. The form will contain questions that will help the Buyer decide whether to add the Supplier to its list of vendors in SAP Fieldglass.

The Qualification Template is the basis of the Supplier Qualification Form, used to produce forms for suppliers to submit as part of a screening process, as well as manage suppliers and integrate supplier information into back-office systems.

screenshot of partially completed Supplier Qualification Form showing answers for the number of employees the supplier has, what services they provide, when the supplier can start contracting worker', and more

Navigating the Qualification Template Admin Object

screenshot of the Supplier section of the Admin Menu, the Qualification Template link is highlighted
1To view the list of qualification templates available in the tenant, select Qualification Template from the Supplier section of the admin menu.

Qualification Template List Page

The Qualification Template List page indicates some of the characteristics of the listed qualification templates, such as worker classifications, whether weighting of included questions is balanced, and the type of template it is.

screenshot of Qualification Template List page, the Child, Qualification, and Screening items in the Type column and the link to Software Dev Screening in the Name column are highlighted
2Child (Type) Templates are used when the buyer needs to obtain additional information from some suppliers, but not all. Child Templates are only received by suppliers associated with certain business units, classifications, and sites. There are no restrictions on the number of Child Templates a buyer can have, and they are not required to use them. Supplier Qualification Templates require an approval group. If all suppliers should go through the same process, like with a Screening Template, only one approval group needs to be created.
3Qualification (Type) Templates are used to obtain additional information in the decision-making process. They should be used when a buyer wishes to collect more information from each supplier. There are no restrictions on the number of Qualification Templates a buyer can have, and they are not required to use them.
4A Screening (Type) Template is required for every supplier to complete for each buyer that asks them to apply to their program. Screening Templates contain basic information needed to proceed with the qualification process, or all information needed to qualify. Note that each buyer can only have ONE screening template. This is because every supplier will fill out the same one. A screening template is the only qualification template required for a buyer when they use the supplier qualification functionality. After the Screening Template is complete, buyers can choose to continue Qualification by requesting that the Supplier completes a Qualification Template or Child Template.
5To view the details of a qualification template, select an appropriate link in the Name column.

Qualification Template Details Page

A Qualification Template is comprised of custom fields and questions that a potential supplier is required to complete for evaluation.

screenshot of Software Dev Screening Qualification Template details page highlighting the Master Data Fields section and the list of Qualification Questions
6Master Data Fields are buyer-defined fields that help establish master data elements for the supplier. These fields are created in the admin menu and assigned to categories, and the categories are then associated to the qualification template.
7Qualification Questions are custom, weighted questions that a buyer can ask a potential supplier as criteria for evaluating that supplier. The questions themselves are created in the Configuration section of the admin menu but are associated when creating a qualification template. The weighting for the questions is also established during template creation.

Create a Qualification Template

WorkingNet needs a Screening Template for all new suppliers to complete during their application process.

As the SAP Fieldglass administrator for WorkingNet, you will need to create that screening template.

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