Exploring Job Posting Statuses and Approvals


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Translate Job Posting statuses..
  • Explain the Job Posting approval process..

Job Posting Statuses

There are many statuses that reflect various stages of the job posting lifecycle. However, depending on your company configuration settings, not all statuses will apply to every posting. Companies reflect many different statuses for their Job Postings depending upon their workflow configuration choices.

Through a deeper dive into all of the possible definitions, we will look at what each status indicates and their associated impact on the overall contingent job posting approval process.

Job Posting Statuses



Approval PausedUser roles or system roles defined in approval group have no users assigned to them, or the user assigned does not have appropriate permissions to act on work item. Buyer must assign users to these roles and restart approval process.
ClosedJob Posting was closed. Suppliers cannot submit new job seekers against it. Buyer can still complete the work order process for those job seekers selected for hire.
DeclinedSupplier declined the Job Posting. Declined status is only displayed for the supplier and not buyer.
DeletedJob Posting was deleted. This action can only be performed by SAP Fieldglass Support Team.
DraftJob Posting was started but saved by the buyer to be completed later.
HaltedBuyer halted the Job Posting. Suppliers can no longer submit job seekers to job postings in halted status.
Pending ApprovalJob Posting was created and is awaiting an approval by the buyer's approver, or approvers.
Pending DistributionJob Posting was created and is awaiting distribution to supplier(s).
RejectedBuyer rejected the Job Posting during the approval process.
SubmittedJob Posting has been submitted to supplier(s).
WithdrawnJob Posting was withdrawn from submission by buyer.

Job Posting Approvals

Based on the various statuses that we’ve reviewed, a buyer may configure specific approval processes on their Job Posting objects that will differ based upon multiple variables, statuses, and associated actors that they have defined for their company. Buyers can configure zero approvals, standard tier approvals across multiple user roles, or rules-based approvals that reflect additional logic based on cost factors or other specific rules for their operational business.

Now that we understand the statuses a job posting can reflect, we will focus on the buyer approval process as part of the contingent workflow. Let’s take the Accounting Clerk job posting initially created by Melanie the hiring manager, and completed by Mateo, a member of the PMO team. The job posting reflects pending approval status, and based on the configuration of job posting approval groups for WorkingNet’s tenant, will follow this approval process:

Screenshot of Job Posting Approvals Tab and Audit Trail with details
1The date and time stamp indicates the job posting was originally submitted by Melanie.
2Currently, the job posting is with the PMO team as the Editor/Approver in the first level of the approval group.
3The Audit Trail gives further information on the history of the job posting creation.
4Following PMO Edit/Approval, the job posting will route to the Job Posting Owner. We know this is Melanie.
5Additional approvers can be added to the approval routing manually, should the job posting require further input. Manual escalations can also be managed here if the job posting has not been approved within a desired timeframe.

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