Exploring Work Order Statuses and Approvals


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Explain Work Order and Worker Statuses.
  • Describe the Work Order budget review and approval process.

Work Order Statuses

Companies reflect many different statuses for their Work Orders depending upon their workflow configuration choices.

After a work order has been created and throughout the lifecycle in SAP Fieldglass, the status will automatically update based on different actions and variables.

Let’s look at what each of the different statuses mean about the work order.

Work Order Statuses



AcceptedSupplier accepted work order and it is pending activation by buyer.
ActivatedBuyer activated work order. An invitation is sent to job seeker to register and begin using SAP Fieldglass. Work order will stay in activated status until worker registers.
Approval PausedUser roles or system roles defined in approval group have no users assigned or the user assigned does not have appropriate permissions to act on work item. The buyer must assign users to these roles and restart the approval process.
ClosedWork order is closed by buyer or marked No Show by buyer.
ConfirmedWorker registered and can enter time sheets.
Confirmed (Worker Closed)Registered worker is closed.
CreatedWork order was fully approved and submitted to suppliers for review.
DeclinedSupplier declined the work order.
DeletedWork order was deleted. This action can only be completed by SAP Fieldglass Support Team.
DraftWork order was started, then saved by buyer to be completed at a later date.
No ShowActivated job seeker did not show up for work and was marked No Show by buyer.
Pending ApprovalWork order is pending approval by buyer.
Pending ReviewWork order was created by user who is not a coordinator or distributor, therefore a coordinator or distributor must review and edit, if necessary, before the work order routes for approval.
RejectedBuyer rejected the work order.

Work Order Approvals

Now that we understand the statuses a Work Order can reflect, we will focus on the buyer approval process as part of the contingent workflow.

Play the video to learn about the approval process for the Accounting Clerk Work Order that Mateo created.

Work Order Approval Process

Now let’s follow the approval process within SAP Fieldglass itself.

Screenshot of Work Order Approval Groups and Audit Trail tab with details
1The date and time stamp indicate when the work order was created and submitted by Mateo on behalf of Melanie the Hiring Manager.
2Currently, the work order is Pending Further Review by the Program Team.
3The Approvals/Audit Trail tab gives further information on the history of the work order creation.
Screenshot of Work Order Approval Group sequential steps and details
4Following PMO edit and confirming the work order budget exceeds the budget on the job posting, the work order will route to the Hiring Manager, followed by the Program Office .

Supplier Accepts the Work Order

Once a work order is created, edited, and approved from the buyer side, the supplier must accept or decline the work order.

During the acceptance process, the supplier is prompted to enter an email address for the worker- this is where the SAP Fieldglass worker registration email will ultimately be sent and can be changed at a later date if needed.

If the supplier declines the work order, the buyer will need to make the suggested changes, or negotiate them with the supplier, and then they can resubmit.

Suppliers use the action buttons in the header section of the work order to either accept or reject it.

Screenshot of supplier’s view of a work order emphasizing the Accept and Decline buttons.

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