Managing Contingent Invoices


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Outline the process of creating contingent Invoices.
  • View an Invoice.
  • Create a Consolidated Invoice.

Creating Contingent Invoices

The final step in any SAP Fieldglass contingent workflow is invoicing. From an application perspective, an invoice is essentially a file that includes all data required for the buyer company to pay a supplier and the supplier to pay their worker. These invoices can be associated to a submitted time sheet or an expense sheet, but will reflect compensation that is owed to the contingent worker. The specific data included in an invoice file will depend on the organization’s specific requirements, but the process flow and configuration options will follow a similar set up.

Screenshot of a worker invoice Details tab, showing accounting information and other invoice details.

Invoice Process Flow

If we look at the Contingent process flow, the necessary steps to get us to an invoice file are highlighted and explained below:

Screenshot of an Expense being created in SAP Fieldglass with expense details
Screenshot of the Expense Sheet Invoice with pending approval status and approve and reject buttons highlighted
Screenshot of approved Invoice details page with highlighted Expense Sheet ID
Screenshot of SAP Fieldglass admin page with integration download highlighted and sample file
1Workers submit their Time and Expenses within the SAP Fieldglass application.
2Based on the approval configuration, all necessary Approvals take place.
3Once the time and expense sheets are in approved status, the application creates an Invoice Line Item for each individual timesheet and expense sheet.
4Based on the invoicing schedule determined by the buyer, all new approved time and expense sheets are pulled into one Invoice File.

Creating an Invoice

In SAP Fieldglass, invoices can be created manually: either the Buyer determines the invoice billing schedule (by currency), or the Supplier is responsible for creating invoices by running an invoice file each time.

However, the recommended practice is to configure auto invoicing.

When auto invoice is enabled, as soon as the item (time sheet or expense sheet) is fully approved, an invoice is generated. No manual intervention is needed from the supplier, and no approval will take place in order for this invoice to be paid.

Screenshot of WorkingNet’s company configuration page highlighting the auto invoicing selections.

View an Invoice

No matter how the invoice is created in SAP Fieldglass, the buyer may still need to review the details of an invoice and the transactional item it is derived from.

Melanie needs to locate and review an invoice for one of her workers. Here is how she’d find it:

Marking Invoices as Paid

There is an optional step in SAP Fieldglass to mark invoices, whether consolidated or not, as paid. This helps suppliers with their audits and can assist buyers in ensuring their books are up to date. This can be done through the UI or through an upload. Many times, customers will have an integration between their accounts payable system and Fieldglass to have this updated automatically, as is the case for WorkingNet and so no further action is required.

Screenshot of invoice emphasizing the Mark as Paid Next Step notice and the Mark as Paid button.

Consolidated Invoices

To simplify invoice processing, buyers can elect to create consolidated invoices. Consolidated invoices combine individual invoices based on buyer-defined criteria. When the consolidated invoicing feature is active, approved invoices and miscellaneous invoices from a supplier can be consolidated enabling the buyer company to pay for multiple invoices in a single payment.

Create a Consolidated Invoice

Mateo has received a request from WorkingNet’s Finance department that a consolidated invoice is required for all U.S. contingent labor costs payable to reCrewIT for the Data Networking business unit. To fulfill this request in the SAP Fieldglass UI, Mateo will perform the following:


Invoice Types

ModuleDefinitionContingent or Services?
InvoiceResults from time sheet or expense sheetContingent
Consolidated InvoiceMultiple invoices grouped into a larger invoiceBoth
Miscellaneous InvoiceWorker specific invoice for items other than time or expenseBoth
Credit/Debit MemoCan be used to correct time sheet or expense sheetsContingent
Statement of Work Credit/Debit MemoUsed to correct an SOW event, schedule, fee, or an SOW worker time sheet or expense sheetServices
Statement of Work InvoiceResults from an SOW event, schedule, fee, or an SOW worker time sheet or expense sheetServices

Invoice Statuses

Approval PausedUser roles of system roles defined in the approval group have no users assigned to them. The buyer must assign users to these roles and restart the approval process.
ApprovedBuyer approved the invoice or credit/debit memo.
ConsolidatedBuyer has consolidated the invoice or credit/debit memo.
DeletedInvoice or credit/debit memo was deleted. This action can only be completed by the SAP Fieldglass Support Team.
DraftInvoice or credit/debit memo was started but saved by the supplier to be completed later.
PaidInvoice or credit/debit memo was paid.
Payment PendingInvoice or credit/debit memo was marked for payment by the buyer and is awaiting authorization for payment. This status is only relevant when using P-card or the invoice upload/download plug-in functionality.
Pending ApprovalSupplier submitted the invoice or credit/debit memo to buyer for approval.
Pending ConsolidationInvoice or credit/debit memo is pending consolidation by the buyer.
RejectedBuyer rejected the invoice or credit/debit memo.
SubmittedInvoice or credit/debit memo was submitted to the buyer.

Consolidated Invoice Statuses

ApprovedBuyer approved the consolidated invoice.
Approval PausedUser roles or system roles defined in the approval group have no users assigned to them, or the user assigned doesn’t have appropriate permissions to act on the work item. The buyer must assign users to these roles and restart the approval process.
PaidConsolidated invoice has been paid.
Pending ApprovalBuyer has submitted the consolidated invoice for approval.
RejectedBuyer rejected the consolidated invoice.

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