Navigating Distribution Lists


After completing this lesson, you will be able to create a Distribution List in SAP Fieldglass.

Distribution List

SAP Fieldglass uses Distribution Lists to ensure the proper routing of job postings to suppliers.

A distribution list is a structured list of suppliers that is included on a job posting and lists the suppliers who should receive that request to fill a position. The lists can contain a single supplier or multiple suppliers who can be grouped by level of distribution based on the buyer company’s business needs.

screenshot of the distribution tab of a job posting showing msp supplier, recrewit, and tech corp associates listed as the first tier of suppliers who will received the job posting

Navigating the Distribution List Admin Object

screenshot of the Supplier section of the Admin Menu, the Distribution List link is highlighted
1To view the list of sites associated to the tenant, select Distribution List from the Supplier section of the admin menu.

Distribution Lists Page

For example, WorkingNet can group suppliers who provide candidates for their network engineering needs under a distribution list called Engineering. They may have more than one distribution list, such as Suppliers grouped by different countries or regions. Basically, a distribution list can be created to support any grouping of suppliers that best supports the worker procurement needs of the organization.

screenshot of Distribution Lists List page, the Engineering – UK distribution list link in the name column is highlighted
2To view the details of a business unit, select an appropriate link in the Code column.

Distribution List Details Page

A distribution list is comprised of selected suppliers placed in a ranked order of preference with specific rules for how and when a job posting will be distributed to them.

screenshot of Distribution Lists Details page with the levels column, the usage column, and the rules section highlighted
3Level indicates the levels that are assigned to the suppliers in a distribution list determine the order in which job postings will be distributed to each supplier

Usage values allow suppliers to either receive job posting automatically or be selected manually during job posting creation. Four usage values can be selected here:

  • Mandatory suppliers are automatically selected for distribution and cannot be removed from the list.
  • Preferred suppliers are automatically selected for distribution but can be manually deselected.
  • Optional suppliers are not automatically selected for distribution but can be manually selected.
  • Disallowed suppliers cannot be added to this list.
5If a distribution list consists of two or more levels, Rules must be established to determine when an associated job posting will be distributed to the next level. If the distribution list has only one level, rules do not need to be defined.

Create a Distribution List

Business Example

WorkingNet decides to create a new distribution list around consulting so that the correct Suppliers receive their requests to fill consulting related jobs.

As the SAP Fieldglass administrator for WorkingNet, you will need to create the new distribution list and manually associate a business unit to it.

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