Using Report Default Fields


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Add Report Default Fields in SAP Fieldglass..

Report Default Fields

Report Default Fields lists the most frequently used columns/filters on a specific base module. These items are identified and added by default when a report is created for that base module.

Reports are viewed, run, and created through the Analytics menu on the SAP Fieldglass home page.

Navigating the Report Default Fields Admin Object

screenshot of Report section of the Admin Menu, the Report Default Fields link is highlighted
1To view the default fields associated to the tenant, select Report Default Fields from the Report section of the admin menu

Report Default Fields List Page

screenshot of Report Default Fields List page with the Base Module and Fields columns and the Job Posting ling in the Base Module column highlighted

The default fields listed are not inclusive of all possible fields for that module

Fields can be added to or edited in any of the Base Modules listed here.

2The Base Module column indicates the module the field is pulling from.
3Fields indicate the number of fields available within the selected module
4To view the fields within a module, select the appropriate link in the Base Module column.

Report Default Fields Details Page

screenshot of Job Posting Details page highlighting the Column and Filter columns

The details page will provide a snapshot into the defaulted fields that will populate when a report is created under the base module of Job Posting.

5Check marks in the Column column indicate that this field is automatically included as a column in the report when a new report is created for this base module.
6Check marks in the Filter column indicate that this field will be automatically included as a filter when a new report is created for this base module.

Add Report Default Fields

WorkingNet wants to add a Legal Entity field for reports run on Job Postings.

As the SAP Fieldglass administrator for WorkingNet, you’re in charge of adding that default field!

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