Creating Analytical Reports on Supplier Management Projects


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the facts available for reporting on supplier management projects
  • Create an analytical report based on reporting facts that contain supplier management project data

Reporting Facts for Supplier Management Projects

The facts on which a report is based determine the data available in the report. When you create a report, you decide what information you are looking for and choose the facts that will provide it. The facts available to you in reports depend on the solutions your company has purchased and the features you have permission to work with in those solutions.

If you have permission to create analytical reports, you can create reports based on the following reporting facts to see data on supplier management projects:

SM Project

This fact contains general data about the following supplier management projects:

  • Internal and external supplier request projects
  • Supplier registration projects
  • Supplier qualification and disqualification projects
  • Preferred supplier management projects
  • Modular questionnaire projects
  • Process projects, including process qualifications

You can create reports based on the SM Project fact to:

  • See all of the different types of supplier management projects in one report
  • Analyze supplier management projects by owner, status, supplier, commodity, region, and so on
  • Analyze project duration


SM Project reports can include both process projects and modular questionnaire projects, but analytical reports can't show relationships between them.
Supplier Request Project

This fact contains data on internal and external supplier request projects.

You can create reports based on the Supplier Request Project fact to analyze supplier request projects by:

  • Owner, status, supplier, whether they are internal or external, and so on
  • Project duration
Supplier Registration Project

This fact contains data on supplier registration projects.

You can create reports based on the Supplier Registration Project fact to analyze supplier registration projects by:

  • Owner, status, supplier, and so on
  • Approval or denial dates for new registrations and registration updates
  • Whether or not they were created in a mass registration invitation wave
  • Project duration
SM Project Questionnaire Response

This fact contains data about responses to questionnaires in supplier management projects.

You can create reports based on the SM Project Questionnaire Response fact to:

  • Report on questionnaire responses in all types of supplier management projects and analyze those responses using various metrics
  • Show specific types of questionnaire responses across project types, such as the answers to commodity, region, and department questions for each supplier across all their questionnaires
  • Analyze internal questionnaire responses by respondent to see who in your organization is submitting questionnaires in different project types or across project types
Task Approvals

This fact gathers data on the full history of approval, review, or negotiation tasks.

You can create reports based on the Task Approvals fact to:

  • Audit who approves which nodes in an approval flow and when those approvals occur
  • Determine where an approval flow stalled, providing accountability for each node


Although data for supplier request, registration, qualification, disqualification, preferred supplier management, and modular supplier management questionnaire projects and their documents can be available in general project, survey, and document reporting, SAP Ariba only supports reporting on them using the reporting facts that are specific to SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance and SAP Ariba Supplier Information and Performance Management (new architecture) projects and documents.

Reporting Data Access Control for Facts

SM Project, Supplier Request Project, Supplier Registration Project, SM Project Questionnaire Response, and Task Approvals data are subject to reporting data access control. If your organization uses reporting data access control, Full Reporting Access Authorized group members can see all task approval data regardless of project team membership. Users who are not in the Full Reporting Access Authorized group can only see task approval data in reports related to the projects to which they have access based on project team membership.

If your organization does not use reporting data access control, all users can see all project data regardless of project membership.


Additional information about the reporting facts for supplier management projects is available in the Reporting Fact Reference guide: SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance and SAP Ariba Supplier Information and Performance Management (New Architecture) Reporting Facts

How to Create Analytical Reports on Supplier Management Projects

Play the video below to learn how to create an analytical report based on reporting facts that contain data about supplier management projects.


For information about the user groups that grant permission to create reports, see the Strategic Sourcing and Supplier Management Group Descriptions guide.

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