Using G/L Account Maintenance with Individual and Collective Processing


After completing this lesson, you will be able to use G/L account maintenance with individual and collective processing

Changes to a G/L Account


Kevin discovered that someone had set a posting block for the G/L account and will remove it. In the next example he will learn how to do it.

Remove Block for Posting for a Single G/L Account


Kevin wants to remove the posting block for the G/L Account. Choose Watch Demo to see.

Check Blocked G/L Accounts

Kevin wants to see which other G/L Accounts have the block setting enabled. He will run a report that displays the other G/L Accounts that are Blocked for Posting.

Changes to Multiple G/L Accounts


Kevin wants to make changes to multiple G/L Accounts simultaneously, because it is time saving.

Change Multiple G/L Accounts

Changes to multiple G/L Accounts can be made simultaneously. This is a time saving option where a selection or a range of accounts need to be changed. The changes can be performed online, selecting either a Chart of Accounts view, Company Code view or Controlling Area view. Within each view, fields to be changed can be selected. Once new values have been entered, there's an option to review the changes before saving. All the changes, detailing the Old Value and New Value can be reported.

Use Mass Change for G/L Accounts

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