Defining a Category


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Navigate a category admin object and explain what it represents in SAP Fieldglass..


Categories are used to help keep job posting templates, documents, and supplier qualification forms organized.

For example, when Brian creates a job posting template, he can associate it to one of the categories, such as the Information Technology category, to make that template easier for WorkingNet’s hiring managers to find. So when Mavis creates a job posting, she can filter the template list by category to quickly sort and find the appropriate template.

split screenshot of the Category admin object list page showing how the Administrative and Technical categories correlate to the Category field dropdown menu of the source selection page of a Job Posting

Navigating the Category Admin Object

screenshot of Configuration section of the Admin Menu, the Category link is highlighted
1To view a list of categories associated to the tenant, select Category from the Configuration section of the admin menu.

Category List Page

screenshot of Category List page, the Module column and the Supplier All Screening link in the Code column are highlighted

The category list page displays the module, code, and name of the category.


Categories can be associated to one of four Modules:

  • Job Postings allow you to group similar job posting templates, streamlining the process for job posting creators to locate the appropriate template. A category created for job postings gives you the options of associating activity items to the category.
  • Document categories group documents in the reference library and help to limit their visibility to specific user roles.
  • Question groups similar questions that appear on the supplier qualification form. Only categories can be associated to qualification form templates. Only questions created in the Question admin object for the Supplier Qualification module are available to be added to a question category.
  • Master Data elements can be added using the +Master Data link. Only master data elements created in the Master Data admin object are available to be added.
3To view the details of a Category, select an appropriate link in the Code column.

Category Details Page

screenshot of Supplier All Screening Category Details page, the Master Data section and the Sub-category section are highlighted

Similar to the list page, the details page provides the module, code, and name of the category. For categories created for job postings and documents, these details are the only information presented. Master data and questions include additional information, such as what appears here.

5Master Data information can be added when the category is created. If this were a question category, any questions selected from the question library would be listed here.

The existing master data categories that should be included as Sub-categories to the current category. Only master data sub-categories can be associated to a master data category.

In the illustrated example, the Network IT sub-category includes items specific to networking that suppliers must consider.

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