Design-Based Journey Modeling


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Create Customer Journeys by yourself.

Design-Based Journey Modeling

How to Model Customer Journeys in SAP Signavio Process Manager

Let's get back to our baked goods online store use case and create a Customer Journey (CJ). As a guideline, we use the steps we defined in the last lesson. 

Create Your Customer Journey Map

  1. Open your SAP Signavio Process Manager. 
  2. Choose New and then Customer Journey Map.
  3. Give your CJ Map a title.

Step 1: Persona - Who Is the Customer?

Create a persona.

  • Change the gender by selecting the drop-down menu in the attributes panel.
  • Expand the attributes panel by selecting the arrows or bar on the right-hand side.

Create a banner:

  • Change the type of the banner to an idea, demand, or goal using the drop-down menu.
  • On the banner to the left of our persona, we define their needs. On the right banner, we define the goal of the persona.
  • Use different colors for your banners, in that way they are easily distinguishable. 

Maintain Custom Attributes

  • Add further details about your persona like age, family status, and jobs.
  • Provide a description of the goals, expectations, and wishes of your persona.

Step 2: Steps - What Steps Do the Customers Go Through, and What Are They Experiencing in the Process?

Create a trigger:

Define your trigger as an idea or demand by changing the image in the attributes.

Create the first steps of your persona.

  • Use the label of the step to describe what your persona is doing.
  • Drag and drop the customer element onto the step.
  • Describe the experience that your customer has by using the label.
  • Create more steps: What are the next steps in the journey?

Step 3: Touchpoints - How Does the Customer Interact with the Company?

Define touchpoints:

  • Change the image of your touchpoint in the attributes. Choose a suitable image (for example, laptop).
  • The first touchpoint occurs when the persona researches new products. We can visualize this by using the laptop image.
  • You can also add and use your own images, such as the shopping cart.
  • Place the touchpoints next to the steps where your company interacts with the customer.

Step 4: Emotion - How Does the Customer Feel?

Add the customer's emotion in the attributes:

Provide detailed information about the customer's state of mind by populating the attribute customer emotions.

Change the body language (and express customer emotions).

Different emotions are reflected by different body language options in the attributes (for example, shrugging shoulders).

Business Process Integration: Link Your Customer Journey with Your Processes

Link specific steps with a business process model:

Select a step and open the attributes panel. With the custom attribute 'Related business process', a new or existing process can be linked to the step.

Using Dictionary Items in Customer Journeys

Link Dictionary Objects:

  • To create a label, double-click on an element to create. While typing, similar Dictionary entries appear. Select the suitable suggestion.
  • If the linking has been done correctly, a book symbol appears next to the element. By selecting it, a pop-up with further details about the Dictionary term is shown.


Images and attributes can be customized. This is created and set once by the admin and can be used by all modelers and for all Customer Journeys.

Focus and Limitations

  • Focus:
    • Tangible visualization of the CJ.
    • Novices can track steps easily.
    • Useful when making stakeholders aware of the CJ.
  • Limitations:
    • Information behind elements is "hidden" in the attributes, and not directly visible for the reader.
    • No industry standard format.

Design-based visual journey modeling

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