Introduction to Workflow Management


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Understand workflows.

Introduction to Workflow Management

What is a Workflow?

A workflow is systematic business activity that's shown as a sequence of operations. Basically, workflows are the way people get work done and is visualized as a series of steps that need to be completed in a diagram or checklist.

A workflow is closely related to a business process, but is not the same. Defined workflows, structure processes in terms of time, content and logic. They define 'how the work flows', i.e. who does what, when and how, and who then continues to work with it.

Think of it as work flowing from one stage to the next, whether that's through a colleague, tool, or another process. You can execute a full workflow alone. For example, one person can write, edit, and publish a blog post, or it can involve several people. For example, the process of invoicing a client.  

Below is an example of a sales-order workflow.

Let's look at some examples of common workflows in a business.

Workflow Management System

Workflow Management System

There are a variety of methods to manage workflows. A popular method is using a Workflow Management System, as this automates work across teams. The purpose of this system is to simplify reoccurring procedures through delegating tasks to the right people at the right time.

Let's take a look at how a Workflow Management System works.

Benefits of Workflow Management Systems

Let's look at some of benefits of a Workflow Management System.

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