Managing Your Audience


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Learn about different audiences.

Audience Management

You are probably wondering why you need different audiences? Well, in international companies it is useful to separate the process viewers into different groups. This helps when you want to show a specific process to the appropriate people.

For example, viewers from Japan have a different entry point to the company's value chain. They even have a customized theme for their Hub (specific logo or color). This is when audience management is useful. 


To be able to add more audiences, you first must add user groups to your workspace. Adding users and groups was covered in the previous section, so refer to it if you need additional information. 

General Audience

The General Audience includes all users that aren't part of a specific audience. For users that belong to more than one user group, the setting for the General Audience is applied. 

Watch the following video to see how to add and delete an audience. In the previous lesson, we added our user groups to our workspace. Now, that we have these user groups, they show under the Audience tab when we go to add an audience.

In the Collaboration Hub Setting, in the Visibility section, you can set which attributes (additional information) are shown on a diagram or element level, and if they are structured in groups.

Visibility of Attributes

Before you set the visibility of attributes, you must know some facts:

  • Attributes can be visualized on different notation sets and for different audiences.
  • Attributes can be sorted by groups (later in this lesson).
  • You can choose between diagram attributes or element attributes.
  • You can define featured attributes to highlight an attribute group on the diagram page.
  • You can enable or disable Show group to show or hide the complete attribute group, for example, individual audiences.
  • Visible if set shows the attribute when the attribute has a value.
  • Visible always shows the attribute even if the value is empty.
  • Invisible hides the attributes -- this is helpful if, for a specific audience, an attribute (information) should not be shown.

Watch the video to learn how to set visibility of attributes.


Two ways of visualization are shown. First with ungrouped attributes and then based on a created attribute group.

Attribute Groups - Why Would I Need Them?

Provide more structure with attribute groups.

As we could see on the previous video, you can define how attributes are grouped and sorted across the workspace. Grouping of attributes provides a better overview of the available information, for example, on a process diagram level. You can compare it, like a title, to structure the different information.

Some Facts about Attribute Groups and Their Settings

Featured Attribute Group

You can add the Featured Attributes section to the Diagram page by checking Show on page. With this function, you can highlight an attribute group per diagram type. In the image below, the featured attribute group is IT specific information and is visible on Business Process Diagram (BPMN 2.0) level. Drag and drop to define where to show it on the Diagram page.

In the image below, you can see how it looks in the Collaboration Hub if the featured attribute group was moved up to the header of the Diagram page.

Attribute Visibility with Overlays

In the previous image, we can see icons, which indicate that further information is available in the process diagram. How to set the visibility and icons were covered in lesson "Define Attribute Visualization".

To see these icons, it is necessary to have activated the overlays. The boxes can be checked or reset by the Collaboration Hub Users.

If all overlays are active by default, a workspace administrator defines it in the Collaboration Hub Settings as you can see in the next image.

Creating Custom Attributes for Additional Responsibilities (RACI)

RACI is a commonly used acronym in project management that defines the roles and responsibilities of team members for specific tasks or activities. RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed.

Teams can effectively collaborate by assigning RACI roles to team members. This ensures clarity about who is doing what, who is accountable, who must be consulted, and who is to be kept in the loop. By having a clear delineation of roles and responsibilities, teams can significantly improve collaboration and project management within the platform.

Watch the next video to learn how to create custom attributes for RACI.

Header Attributes

You can select the attributes that are shown at the top of the Diagram page. If necessary, this can also be set for each audience individually.

The following attributes are available:

  • Process level

    The process level can be counted from level 1 or level 0. When you disable this attribute, your users will not see the process level pyramid.

  • Revision number
  • Last updated/published
  • Last author

Define the Visibility of Header Attributes

To set the visibility of header attributes, follow these steps: 

  1. Go to Collaboration Hub Settings - Visibility.
  2. Select an audience (or leave it to General Audience).
  3. Uncheck the boxes if you do not want to display some of the available attributes.
  4. If the level is displayed, it starts with Level 1 or Level 0.
  5. Choose  Save to apply the changes.

Enable View Switch for Hub License Users

Modelers who use the SAP Signavio Process Collaboration Hub can always switch between two views, Preview and Publish. For modelers, the view switch cannot be disabled. By default, all nonmodeling users (Hub license users) only have access to the Publish view. But the switch to the Preview mode is enabled by the admin in the settings, under section Navigation, as you can see in the next image.

Key Takeaways - Audience Management 

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