Navigating a Rate Change Matrix Component


After completing this lesson, you will be able to navigate a Rate Change Matrix Component admin object and explain what it represents in SAP Fieldglass.

Rate Change Matrix Component

Rate Change Matrix Components are the specific rules created for use in Rate Change Matrices.

The Rate Change Matrix Component allows the buyer to define the components, other than the default components, that define changes to rates or fees that occur over the period in which the worker is engaged.

The Rate Change Matrix Component object allows the buyer to define additional custom lookups or rules that can be included on a Rate Change Matrix. A separate object needs to be created for each component that will be included on a matrix. Once the components are created, a Rate Change Matrix admin object is created and the components are added to it.

Navigating the Rate Change Matrix Component Admin Object

screenshot of the Rate Structure section of the Admin Menu, the Rate Change Matrix Component link is highlighted
1To view the list of rate change matrix components that the tenant uses, select Rate Change Matrix Component from the Company Structure section of the admin menu.

Rate Change Matrix Component List Page

A separate data object must be defined for each custom component that is included on a matrix.

screenshot of Rate Change Matrix Component List page, the Used to Calculate column, the Data Type column, and the SRC_seq link in the Code column are highlighted

Used to Calculate lists whether the component is used to make a specific calculation and, if so, what it calculates. The available options are:

  • Not Applicable
  • Pay Rate
  • Effective On
  • Supplier Bill Rate
  • MSP Flat Fee
3Data Type tells the matrix where to get the information for this component. Either the data is from a lookup or a rate change matrix rule. Both of these must be defined before a rate change matrix can be created.
4To view the details of a rate change matrix component, select an appropriate link in the Code column.

Rate Change Matrix Component Details Page

The details of rate change matrix components can vary based upon the data type identified in the component.

screenshot of SRC_seq Rate Change Matrix Component Details page highlighting the Label.lookupName and Lookup Segment rows
5The Label.lookupName/Lookup Segment details are specific to the Lookup data type. If the component used the Rate Change Matrix Rule component, the specific rule required would be listed here instead.

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