Linking Views to Selected Objects


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Link views to selected objects to gather contextual data.
  • Link views related to the General Overview.

Example of a Linked View to a Selected Object

Linked Views are contextual analytics. They allow you to assign any view, general overview, or UDQ to any object to get record-specific data.

When working with a business record, you may want to open a list view of a business object, filtered by one or more field values from the record. For example, if you are in the detailed view of a business partner record and want to see all open sales orders for that business partner.

The following steps outline how to view a linked view to the Business Partner master data, as demonstrated in the Exploring an Example of a Linked View to the Business Partner Master Data video.


  1. Check an existing filtered list view. In the video example, it was a pre-defined A/R Invoice list view – card view type

  2. Go to the object that the list view is linked to. In the video example, it was a business partner master data.

  3. Choose a customer record.

  4. Choose the Views dropdown menu. The linked list views that were already linked to the business partner master data appear. This menu also can manage the linked views for the business partner master data.

  5. Choose the linked list view. The same filtered list view appears with another automatic filter that was added for the Customer Name.

  6. Go to another business partner and open the same linked list view. The same card view appears filtered by this customer name.


You can explore linked views from master data and documents.

How to Manage Linked List Views

The purpose of the linked list view is to feed business-relevant information to the user when they need it. For example, giving them information when they are reviewing master data or processing documents.

This video describes how to create a link to a list view using the Linked List Views app.

The following steps outline how to link a view to a specific object from the master data screen, as demonstrated in the Managing Linked List Views video. The video example linked a list view to the item master data.


  1. From the home page, open the Items tile.

  2. Choose an item from the list.

  3. Choose the Views dropdown menu.

  4. Choose Manage to open the Linked List Views app. Or if this is the first link to this object, choose Define New.

  5. Choose Create New Link.

  6. Enter the new link name.

  7. In the List View dropdown, choose a list view to connect to from the item master data. The example in the video chose the A/R invoices list view.

  8. In the View field, select which view within the A/R invoice list view to connect to.

  9. To make this linked list view public for all users, switch the button to Yes.

  10. From the List View Filter Fields dropdown list, select the field that you want to filter in the target list view. In the video, this was the item code from the A/R Invoice.

  11. In the Object Fields column, select a relevant field from the business object. In this example, it was the item master data: Item No. (ItemCode).

  12. In the left pane, select the link that you just created, and use the up arrow to move it to the top of the list.

  13. Go back to an item master data and choose the Views menu to see the newly connected view at the top of the linked list views.

  14. Select the view to see the linked view filtered by the current item code.

  15. Go back to the item master data and navigate to the next record and open the same view to see the related view filtered by this item code.


You have linked a list view that will provide business-relevant information to the user when they are reviewing master data or processing documents.


  • To manage links from the Linked List Views app, open the Linked List Views app on the home page. Review all the linkable objects in the Web client, including all master data and all documents. You’ll also see the number of links already created for each object. When you choose an object, it takes you back to the link settings for that object.
  • Everything about viewing and managing the links from the master data object also applies to all documents.

How to Manage Links to the General Overview

In this video, you will learn about the linked list view functionality in relation to the General Overview screen.

The following steps provide an outline of the task demonstrated in the Managing Linked General Overview video. In the video example, we reviewed a previously created link to a view in the general overview screen defined for the business partner master data.


  1. From the home page, choose the Business Partners group, then the Business Partners tile to open the Customers list view.

  2. Choose a customer record.

  3. Choose the Views dropdown menu, then select Manage.

  4. From the linked objects pane on the left, select the previously created link to view in the General Overview screen.

  5. In the List View field, you’ll see the selected general overview screen, and within the general overview, there are various pre-saved views. One of these views is selected. This view is public.

  6. Because you are linking to a view in the general overview screen, which includes different cards, a separate link needs to be created for each card. For each card you look at the following:

    • The Card Filter Fields column is where you select a card field by which you want to filter the card. The dropdown list displays all fields that can be filtered in the selected card.
    • The Object Fields column is where you select a relevant field from the business object to pass across the data. The dropdown list displays all fields related to the business object.


You have managed the linked list view functionality in relation to the General Overview screen.


Everything about viewing and managing the general overview links from the master data object also applies to all documents.

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