Running the Purchasing Process


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Run the entire purchasing process in SAP Business One, Web client.

How to Create a Purchase Request in SAP Business One, Web Client

In this video, you will learn how to create a purchase request – the first optional step in the purchasing process.

The following steps provide an outline of the task demonstrated in the Creating a Purchase Request in SAP Business One, Web Client video. 


  1. To create a purchase request, from the home page, choose the Purchasing group.

  2. Choose the Create Purchase Request tile.

  3. Fill out the relevant details in the purchase request form, such as the Required Date, Requestor, and the Contents section.

  4. To complete the request, choose Add & View.


You have created a purchase request in SAP Business One, Web client.

How to Run the Entire Purchasing Process in SAP Business One, Web Client

Julie Bowens has submitted a purchase request. This video will show you how the purchasing department completes the rest of the purchasing process so that Julie will get the items she needs for her team.

The following steps provide an outline of the task demonstrated in the Running the Entire Purchasing Process in SAP Business One, Web Client video.   


  1. Purchase Request: The purchase request was received by the purchasing department.

  2. Purchase Quotation: From the home page, choose the Create Purchase Quotation tile. In the Vendor field, choose a business partner. Choose Copy FromPurchase RequestPurchase request number. Update the details based on the details provided by the vendor.

  3. Purchase Order: From the purchase quotation, choose Copy ToPurchase Order, and fill out the relevant details.

  4. Goods Receipt PO: From the purchase order, choose Copy ToGoods Receipt PO.

  5. A/P Invoice: From the Goods Receipt PO, choose Copy ToA/P Invoice, and update the details to match the vendor’s invoice.

  6. Outgoing Payment: From the A/P Invoice, choosePayPayment Means, then select the payment type from the dropdown.


You have completed the entire purchasing process from the purchase request to the outgoing payment.

Managing Business Partner Catalog Numbers

You can configure SAP Business One, Web client to use customer and vendor catalog numbers in parallel to your item codes. This means that you can use the item number of the vendor in the purchase order, as shown in the Running the Entire Purchasing Process in SAP Business One, Web Client video.


You’ve already learned how to manage alternative items in the Master Data in SAP Business One, Web Client course.


  1. To open the Business Partners Catalog Numbers page, from the Item Management group on the home page, choose the Business Partners Catalog Numbers tile. The already defined catalog numbers are grouped by business partners. 

  2. To expand a business partner row, choose the arrow. To expand all rows, choose Expand. The items defined for the business partner display with the item code, description, and the business partner code in the BP Catalogue No. column.

  3. You can define multiple BP catalog numbers for the same item and set one as the default.

  4. To add records, choose Edit.

  5. Choose a business partner code and define the relevant items with their catalog numbers. 

  6. Choose Save.


In sales and purchasing documents, you can now choose and present items based on the business partner item code.

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