Exploring the Mapping Tool


After completing this lesson, you will be able to access and navigate through the various functionalities of the mapping tool.

Exploring the Mapping Tool

Accessing the Mapping Tool

In this lesson we will explore how you can access and use the in-built custom mapping tool available in the SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for Spend Management and SAP Business Network. The mapping tool is an easy-to-use self-service tool that supports the creation of custom mappings for transactional documents.

In the mapping tool, each of the supported transaction document types for which standard mappings exist is available for customization. The user can create their own mapping based on their business requirements. In this video we will explore the tabs available in the mapping tool and their significance.

Mapping Tool Icons

The table and screen shot below describe the available icons and what they are used for in the mapping tool.

Icon Usage in the Mapping Tool

Icon NameIcon DescriptionIcon Usage
AddPlus signAdds a custom mapping to a document type.
EditPencilOpens the edit dialog for an existing custom mapping.
List VersionsMagnifying glass and paperOpens a new dialog listing of all the mapping versions created for this custom mapping.
DeleteTrash canDeletes the current custom mapping. Only visible if the custom mapping is not deployed.
TestFlaskOpens the mapping testing tool.
Deploy/UndeployCheck markDeploys or undeploys the custom mapping. Clicking the check mark deploys the custom mapping and the check mark displays a blue background. Clicking the check mark with a blue background undeploys the mapping.
SynchronizeArrow in a circular motionIndicates that the custom mapping displayed is not the latest version deployed. Clicking the icon will open the sync dialog enabling users to deactivate (undeploy) the older version, activate (deploy) the current version, or cancel the custom mapping.

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