Install/Dismantle of subordinate equipment in Find Technical object:
- You can now use Find Technical Object app to install/dismantle sub-ordinate equipment for a given equipment.
- In 2308, this feature is enabled only for the equipment and not for the functional location. Install/Dismantle of equipment for functional location is planned for 2402.

- Open Find Technical Object app.
- Select the equipment where installation needs to be done. .
- Select Manage Structure, and select Install Subordinate Equipment.

- In the popup, select the add button to select the list of equipment to install
- Select the equipment, and select OK.
- Modify the Installation Date/Time and Position if needed, and select the install button.
- Background job will be triggered. Copy the Job description to check installation status.
- Select the Install button to proceed with installation.
- Select the application log to see the status of installation.
- You can use the job description copied in the previous step to find the exact log.
- To view the subordinate equipment, select the equipment, select Manage Structure, and select Display Subordinate Equipment.
- This will open a popup that shows all the installed equipment.
- To dismantle subordinate equipment, select the equipment, select Manage Structure, and select Dismantle Sub-ordinate Equipment.
- In the popup, select the equipment to be dismantled. If needed, change the Dismantling Date/Time, and select Dismantle.
- A background job will be triggered. Copy the Job Description to check the status.
- Select Dismantle.
- Go to Application log in find technical object to check the status of Dismantle.
- You can use the Job description copied in the previous step to find the exact log.