Resource Scheduling


After completing this lesson, you will be able to learn new features and functions

Resource Scheduling

Feature highlights in RSH 2023:

  • Introducing automatic generation of recurring schedules with the new Generate Recurring Schedules app
  • Use multiselect features in the Maintenance Schedule for assets app for graphical mass processing, or use quick assign orders to events via context menu function
  • Resizable tiles and streamlined coloring along the general system settings and apps
  • Display actual dates from time confirmations and allows for column and variant management
  • Enabled central planner concept to add work centers also from other plants (for example, WC_ELEC in plant 1010 and 1000)

For more details, please check the What's New section of the SAP Help

General Changes:

  • Central planner
  • WBS column and filter
  • Combined date/time fields
  • Change work center capacity usability

Overview Page:

  • Resizable cards
  • Semantic colors for priority and status
  • Cards in the SAP Fiori launchpad

Asset View:

  • Multiselection and Lasso
  • Field Extensibility
  • Quick assign to event
  • Order Context menu


  • Generate recurring schedule
  • Cache

Maintenance Scheduling Board

  • Column and Variant Management
  • Highlight actual dates
  • Set planned start date for orders

Feature highlights in RSH 2023:

  • Introducing the option to assign executing technicians via a new People Gantt in the Maintenance Scheduling Board app
  • The graphical Gantt view in the Manage Schedules app now offers additional settings
  • The Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets app now offers a date picker to freely define the displayed time-period as well as new quick actions and variants
  • The forecast graph in the Manage Work Center Utilization app can now display up to 4,6,8 or 12 weeks or months at a time
  • Enabled time zone support for orders and operations in various apps to show SAP Fiori launchpad time one instead of UTC

For more details, please check the What's New section of SAP Help.

Allowing Planners/Schedulers to add work centers from other plants, even if they're named the same, is now possible in the Assign Work Centers screen. This will enable central planners to gain insights and overviews as well as take action across plants.

When changing the capacity of a work center for a given week, you can now easily increase or decrease the number of resources available by selecting + or -. You can also easily switch between weeks by selecting < or >.

In multiple apps, we've combined date fields and their respective time fields into new combined fields, which show both date and time (for example, 11/05/2023, 19:00:00)

Additional Details

The combined fields give you a more concise view of your scheduling data and leave more room for you to display additional information on your screen.

From now on, please use the new combined fields on your screens.

If you’re using any of the old field labels in a screen variant, please remember to also replace them there.

This enhancement applies to the following fields in the following apps:

Maintenance Scheduling Board

Old Field Label, New (Combined) Field Label: Basic Start Date, Planned Start (= Planned Start Date and Planned Start Time), Basic Finish Date, Planned End (= Planned End Date and Planned End Time)

Assign Maintenance Order Operations

Old Field Label, New (Combined) Field Label: Basic Start Date, Order Planned Start, Basic Finish Date, Order Planned End, Planned Start, Operation Planned Start, Planned End, Operation Planned End

Manage Work Center Utilization

Order Tab

Old Field Label, New (Combined) Field Label: Basic Start Date, Order Planned Start, Basic Finish Date, Order Planned End

Operations Tab

Old Field Label, New (Combined) Field Label: Basic Start Date, Order Planned Start, Basic Finish Date, Order Planned End, Planned Start, Operation Planned Start, Planned End, Operation Planned End

You can now display more maintenance order and operation fields in resource scheduling apps

The following fields can now be displayed in resource scheduling apps:

At Order Level

  • Project Definition Name
  • Project Definition
  • Sort Field
  • WBS Element (Organization)
  • WBS Element Description (Organization)

At Operation Level

  • Actual Start
  • Actual End
  • Actual Work
  • Remaining Work
  • Performing Work Center Plant

The fields can be displayed in the following apps:

  • Maintenance Scheduling Board
  • Manage Work Center Utilization
  • Assign Maintenance Order Operations
  • Maintenance Schedule for Assets (order header fields only)

The colors used in pie charts have been standardized to match the colors used in other resource scheduling apps, as well the customizing settings for the level of criticality of maintenance orders.

Additional Details

The following changes have been made:

  • The colors used in the pie chart on the Unconfirmed Maintenance Orders card to show the different processing statuses now match those that are shown in all other apps:
  • Due = orange
  • Dispatched = green
  • In Process = gray
  • The colors used in the pie chart on the Unassigned Work card reflect the criticality colors defined per priority of maintenance order.
  • The colors used in the Manage Work Center Utilization app reflect the criticality colors defined per priority of maintenance order.

The following changes to how dates and times are displayed in Resource Scheduling were made:

In the following apps, dates and times are shown in the SAP Fiori launchpad time zone and no longer in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

  • Manage Work Center Utilization
  • Maintenance Scheduling Board
  • Manage Schedules
  • Assign Maintenance Order Operations
  • Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets

In the Manage Schedules app, schedules are now shown in your current time zone (that is, SAP Fiori launchpad time zone) and no longer in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).


The creation date of existing schedules remains in UTC, however, the schedules are displayed in the SAP Fiori launchpad time zone.

If your current time zone differs from the time zone that a schedule was created in, the times and dates you see may differ. If you try to edit a schedule using a different time zone, you’ll be notified of the fact and asked to switch to the time zone the schedule was created in before making any changes

You can change your current time zone by selecting your user profile on the top-right of your screen and choosing SettingsLanguage & Region.


Schedule data is exported to spreadsheet files using the UTC format.

All cards can now be resized. To resize a card, simply select its borders and adjust as needed.

Additional Details

The Work Center Utilization card can, for example, be expanded to show more work centers at the same time. If you increase the card's width, you can also see the utilization for additional weeks (Week 3, Week 4).

Use screen variants to adjust the layout of your screen to best suit your needs. If you need different layouts for different tasks, you can create multiple variants. If you want your colleagues tot be able to use a variant you created, select Public when you save it. Your current screen layout for the Maintenance Scheduling Board will automatically be saved as your default screen variant My Scheduling Board.

Additional Details

You can use screen variants to store the following settings:

  • Choose between displaying the Orders chart only, or both the Orders and Resources charts.
  • Adjust the column width of fields shown in the Orders and the Resources sections on the left side of the screen. Just pull the sides of a column to the desired width.
  • For most columns, you can also choose whether you want to display the column values in ascending or descending order.

The next time you call up the app, it will automatically display the layout that you stored in the variant.

You can also save different layouts under different variants. If you store more than one variant, you can choose which variant you want to have as your default variant. If you want to let your colleagues use a variant that you've set up, select Public when you save it.


The current layout of your screen is automatically saved as your default screen variant My Scheduling Board.

Quickly change the planned start date of one or more maintenance orders simply by right-clicking on the orders and choosing Set Planned Start.

Additional Details

As an alternative to drag and drop, you can now use the following option to quickly change the planned start date of maintenance orders in the Maintenance Scheduling Board:

  • Select the orders in question, and then right-click and choose Set Planned Start.
  • Either enter the desired date and time manually, or choose  to select the new planned start.
  • The planned order start date is automatically set to the desired date and time.


Unlike the drag and drop alternative, which moves the Planned Start to the closest full hour, this option sets the exact date and time that you specify.

In the Maintenance Scheduling Board you can now see the actual work that has already been confirmed for individual operations in a maintenance order. To see the actual dates, choose Settings, then go to Elements, and select Show Actual Dates.

Additional Details

In the Maintenance Scheduling Board you can now see the actual work that has been recorded for operations that are in process (based on actual dates from time confirmation).

This allows you to track the operations by checking whether they’ve started early, are being processed as planned, or are delayed.

Actual times are displayed as a green line under the operation bar.

To trigger the rescheduling of an operation (for example, if work on it has been delayed), right-click the order in question and choose Trigger Scheduling. The order is rescheduled taking the actual dates of the operation into account.

Introducing an option to open a people Gantt in the Maintenance Scheduling Board via the menu bar for one or multiple selected operations in the table section.

Introducing an option to open a people Gantt in the Maintenance Scheduling Board via context menu for one or multiple selected operations in the Gantt section.

Why Assign Operations to People?

Assigning operations to people in the People Gantt has the following benefits:

  • You can see which people are assigned to the team of the performing work center and display additional information, such as each person's function. You can also see their availability, that is, their work schedule.

  • You can see at a glance whether an operation is usually carried out by one or by more people and assign the correct number.

  • You can see what other operations these people have been assigned to in the timeframe displayed.

  • You can change assignments if you see that a person is overloaded or in case of conflicts.

You can use filters to find operations where nobody has been assigned.

You can use filters to find all operations that have been assigned to a particular person. This can be useful, for example, if a team member falls ill and you need to reassign their operations to other members in the work center team.

By right-clicking on a maintenance order in the Maintenance Scheduling Board app, you can now also choose the following functions:

  • Assign Event

  • The order is assigned to a maintenance event.

  • Unassign Event

  • If the order is already assigned to a maintenance event, you can unassign it.

In the chart settings of the Manage Work Center Utilization app, you now have the following eight display periods to choose from in the field Show Utilization For:

  • If you want to display utilization in weeks, you can choose between 4, 6, 8, or 12 weeks.

  • If you want to display utilization in months, you can choose between 4, 6, 8, or 12 months.

  • You can also save your preferred display option as a view.

When you’re assigning operations and choosing which schedule to assign them to, you can immediately see in the list of existing schedules whether they were created manually or generated automatically by a recurring application job.

When you select one or more operations in the Manage Work Center Utilization app and then select Add to Schedule, all existing schedules are now grouped together based on how they were created:

  • Schedules that were automatically generated by a recurring application job are grouped together under the job name.

  • Manually created schedules are grouped under Others.


Groupings are only shown if a user is a planner of recurring schedules

You can now select multiple maintenance orders in the Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets app in order to simultaneously trigger an action for them.

Additional Details

To trigger the same action for multiple orders, proceed as follows:

  1. Select maintenance orders using one of the following options:
    • Select and hold the CTRL key, and select the orders that you want to select.
    • Use your mouse to draw a "lasso" around the orders that you want to select.
    • The app highlights the orders in the "lassoed" area for which actions are available.
  2. Right-click any of the selected orders. The context menu shows all actions that are available for the order.
  3. Select the action that you want to carry out.
  4. The action is carried out for all selected orders.

In the Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets app you now have a context menu for each maintenance order at your disposal, which you can use to carry out selected actions more quickly.

Additional Details

If you right-click a maintenance order in the Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets app, you can choose between the following functions:

  • Trigger Scheduling: The order is rescheduled using the current scheduling data, including any actual recorded operation times.
  • Open Order: The order is opened.
  • Show in Maintenance Scheduling Board: The order is opened in the maintenance scheduling board.
  • Assign Event: The order is assigned to a maintenance event.
  • Unassign Event: If the order is already assigned to a maintenance event, you can unassign it.

Extensibility has now been included in the Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets app. App users can choose whether they want to display custom fields for maintenance orders.

In the Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets app, you can now use views to adjust the layout of your screen to best suit your needs.

You can use views to store the following settings:

  • Adjust the space given to each column on the left side of the screen. Just pull the sides of a column to the desired width.

  • For most columns, you can also choose whether you want to display the column values in ascending or descending order.

  • You can also save different layouts under different views. If you store more than one view, you can choose which view you want to have as a default. If you want to let your colleagues use a view that you've set up, select Public when you save it.

Quickly change the planned start date of one or more maintenance orders simply by right-clicking on the orders and choosing Set Planned Start.

As an alternative to drag and drop, you can now use the following option to quickly change the planned start date of maintenance orders in the Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets app:

  • Select the orders in question, and then right-click and choose Set Planned Start.

  • Either enter the desired date and time manually, or select the calendar icon to select the new planned start.

  • The planned order start date is automatically set to the desired date and time.


Unlike the drag and drop alternative, which moves the Planned Start to the closest full hour, this option sets the exact date and time that you specify.

You can now choose which time period you want to use for displaying data in the Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets app.

Choose between the following options:

  • Next 4 weeks

  • Current week

  • Next week

  • Custom date range


Your choice of time period is carried forward when you navigate between the Maintenance Scheduling Board, the Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets app, and the Manage Work Center Utilization app.

When you start working on a maintenance schedule, you can now choose to optimize data access by putting the data of the schedule into temporary storage (cache) to speed up your user experience.

Additional Details

If you choose Use Optimized Data Access, the data of this maintenance schedule is put into temporary storage (cache).

Putting maintenance schedule data into temporary storage can speed up your user experience, as well as that of any other colleagues working on it.

The temporary storage is automatically deleted after one hour without user interaction. The actual maintenance schedule remains intact.

If you open the maintenance schedule again at a later point in time, it’s put back into temporary storage.

If you have schedules that are repeated at regular intervals (for example, every week), you can now have them automatically generated for you. Regular maintenance planners or reviewers only have to be assigned once. Standard tasks, such as adding relevant operations automatically, providing they meet certain criteria (for example, are assigned to specific work centers), can be carried out for you.

Additional Details

Fill out a simple job template to specify the details of your recurring schedules, such as in what intervals you want the schedule to be generated, what length of time each schedule should cover, as well as whether you want operations that have their planned start date within a given timeframe to be automatically added to the schedule.

You can access the app in two ways:

  • From the Resource Scheduling for Maintenance Planners overview page.
  • From the Manage Schedules app (select Manage Recurring Schedules).

The following settings have been added to the graphical view for Manage Schedules app:

Utilization Threshold and Colors

Displays a color-coded bar indicating the utilization of an operation's work center.

You can define threshold values for showing the utilization bars in a certain color. You can also choose to show or hide bars in the order Gantt chart if the utilization is within a certain threshold range.

The utilization data is aggregated for each day (in UTC) on which the work center is open and is shown when you hover over the bar.


Specifies whether you want to show the utilization of work centers in the order Gantt.

You can choose to show the utilization of all work centers or only show the utilization if it's above or below one of the predefined thresholds.

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