Multiple assignments can be done by:
- Manual assignment of multiple technicians to maintenance operations during order processing in SAP classic GUI
- Automated assignment of multiple technicians to maintenance operations during order processing in SAP classic GUI or Web Dynpro
- API based assignment of multiple technicians to maintenance operations (3rd party or future SAP API)
- RSH based assignment of multiple technicians to maintenance operations

- Works for phase-based and non-phase-based orders
- Assignment (split) without personal number gets automaticaly filtered out
- Assign to Me only works, if no one is assigned and this action only assigns one person responsible

Field Assigned To is re-arranged.
Additional Remarks
- Customizing hint: The customizing "Define Control Parameters for Perform Maintenance Jobs" regarding the action "Confirm Jobs Without Assignment" is still supported for jobs with multiple assignments.(Note: Only started jobs can be partial confirmed by unassigned persons.)
- Technical hint: The confirmation from the multiple assigned persons gets recorded against the (sub-) operation (AFRU) and not additionally to the requirement table (KBEZ).
- Functional hint: The Responsibilities filter with the value "My team" referenced to the following detection rule:
- Main Work Center entry available in the Personalizaiton app (transaction EAM_USER), if not
- HR number assignment at work center level (multiple work center assignments possible), if not
- Assignment to a team in Manage Teams and Responsibilities app (category MAINT_TEAM), if not
- No team association
Note 1: To find the used assignment for bullet point 1 and 2, you can use:
- Execute method GET_INSTANCE => Edit Object Reference RO_INSTANCE
- Execute method GET_WORKCENTER_FOR_USER => Parameter IV_USER "space" for own user => Execute
Note 2: A custom BAdI implementation can be called after the detection rule (EAM_BADI_MAINT_WORKCENTER).
Method: MY_TEAMS